Chapter eight

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The big move

Chapter eight

I've got my spies on you

Miras pov:
"Juvia now!" I point to her and she snaps her fingers. Her casual pajamas dissolve and she slips on a black dress she had hidden in her bag. I picked it out, it had a very conservative high neck and a slit up the left side.(the dress is in the media above the title chapter eight)
"How do I look?" She lets her hair down and slips into some blood red pumps. I throw her a black trench coat which she happily puts on.
"Hot, now go spy! I'll be waiting for updates." I wave my phone at her and hand her a gold bag. I usher her out the door and wave at gray waiting patiently in his car.
"They grow up so fast." I wipe my eye.

Gajeels pov:
I watch levy as she looks hastily outside, bending over the railing, dress riding up-
"May I take your order?" A waiter approaches me. He looks familiar. He looks kinda like Lyon but...Lyon doesn't have a beard... Still...
"Um...I'll have water I guess and-"
"I'll have some raspberry tea." She sits back down and smiles at me. The Lyon-looking waiter nods then makes his way back to the kitchen, eyeing another table near the door.
"Halloween is coming up." She plays with her necklace, drawing my attention to her chest.
"Uh...yeah..." My gaze stays trained on her necklace.
"We should have a party." She hesitantly reaches forward and links her pinky with mine, my heart races.
"Y-yeah?" My forehead begins to sweat and I lick my lips.
"So I was wondering...who's house we should have it at?" She moves her ring finger beneath mine and I feel a little dizzy.
"U-um my house I-is bigger." I manage to reply and I feel her foot slide over mine.
"What should I wear?" Images of bunny levy flashed in my mind and I feel liquid run out of my nose.
"Clothes." I gasp out and use my free hand to wipe the blood coming from my nose with a napkin.
"Hehe I mean costume wise~" she links her fingers with mine and I try to keep my face from going completely crimson.
"Uh....u-um..." I stammered at a complete loss for words.
"S-surprise me." I gripped her hand firmly to keep her from letting go.

Grays pov:
I let juvia cling to my side as we entered the restaurant. She asked that we were seated relatively close to the odd couple. At first I had no idea what she meant, now I do. I scowl as she blushes and squeals about Gajeel and levy.
"Waaaaaaah! They're holding hands graysama!" She whips out her phone and snaps a picture.
"Juvia, I thought you asked me out so we could eat together, not so we could spy on an unsuspecting couple-"
"Mira made juvia do it." And with that I shut up, because there's no way in hell I'm getting in the way of Miras plans. I don't exactly feel like dying tonight, I feel like I'm about to though. Hell with juvia looking like that you might as well throw me off a cliff. Plus that slit in her dress was making me feel unseasonably warm down under. Have I mentioned that I have a...thing...for her legs? It's weird I know but...god damn.
"Juvia." I reach out to hold her pale arm currently fanning herself in delight.
"Y-yes?" She smiles at me. When did she become so cute?
"The waiter wants to know what you want to drink." She mumbles a quick 'surprise me' then turns back around to watch the couple like a hawk.
"Uh...iced tea and hmmm sweet blackberry tea?" I guessed. The waiter seemed to glare at me- oh my god what the hell.
" Lyon what the fuck." I pull down his fake beard and he winces.
"I'm just trying to make sure you're treating precious juvia right." I let go of the elastic on the beard and it snaps him in the face.
"Ow! You dick-"
"Graysama Levy is playing footsy with nervous Gajeelkun!" She snaps another photo and Lyon lets go of me.
"Keep an eye on her." He flicks me and smacks Juvias butt on his way to the kitchen.
"G-graysama!" She turns around, face completely cherry.
"That wasn't me it was the waiter!" I point to my left only to see a middle aged waitress' bewildered face stare at us.
"Oh shit I didn't mean yo-"
"Hush! Juvias trying to hear what they're talking about!" She leans over the chair more and I can see the back of the dress- oh god oh god oh god- she's not wearing a bra.
"Oooo a party sounds fun!" She talks as if she too were apart of the conversation. The drinks arrive and Lyon asks what we want to eat. I call her name but she doesn't listen.
"Juvia." I reach across, ice cube in hand, and press it against her exposed back.
"A-ah cold!" She whips around angrily.
"What!" She snaps.
"What do you want to eat?" Lyon asks nicely. And she points to something random on the menu then turns back around.

Levys pov:
"That" I sit back in my chair,stuffed. "Was a lovely meal." I smile and Gajeel lets go of my hand to grab his wallet and pay the bill.
"Food was kinda hot though." He smirks and sets the check up.
" really are...." I say in a food filled haze, I realise my words.
"I-I meant th-the f-food! The food w-was hot a-and yeah!" I stammer, keeping my eyes trained on the ground, I hear a squeal somewhere in the restaurant.
"Sure you did." He pats my head and I excuse myself to go to the restroom. I run off to the sinks and splash cold water on my mouth and chin, exhaling deeply. God why did I have to say that. He probably thinks I'm so weird now.

Juvias pov:
With levy gone I could finally pay attention to my neglected food.
"Nice of you to finally join me on our date." Gray angrily chomps on a complementary breadstick and I look at his empty plate.
"Juvia is s-so sorry." I stare down at my lap, ashamed.
"C'mere." He grabs my hand, tosses cash on the table, then strings me along to a hallway nobody seemed to occupy.
"Gajeel has dragon slayer hearing, he could literally hear you the entire time we were in there." I blush heavily, oh no, that means he probably heard my phone taking pictures!
"But he can't hear us in here." I say with the most innocent of intentions.
"good point" he flips us around so im pressed against the wall. I can feel his hot breath on my face and he brings his mouth down to my neck and sucks, giving me a love bite for the first time. He hasn't even kissed me yet, god damn fuckboy hurry your ass up- but that feels so good, he's so skilled with the way he ravishes my neck.
"YOOOO GET THE HELL OFF HER" the door slams open to reveal a bearded waiter.
"Lyon sama?" I recognise his hair.
"That's it I swear, I'm fucking suing the fake beard shop guy, but I don't know if I'll be able to recognise him..." He stroked his chin and walked out of the door. Then five seconds later he bursts in again.
"What do you want now?" Gray sighs, letting go of me.
"The couple you were watching is leaving." He points to the heads of blue and black exiting the building in a rush.
"Fuck!" I curse and grab grays keys from his pocket,my hand brushing against something hard. I slide my heels off and throw them to gray, I then ran out of the back door and ran to his dark blue car. It wouldn't start.
"Damnitdamnitdamnitdamnitdamnit!" I hit the steering wheel and ran back inside.
"I need a ride!" I threw grays keys back at him right as one of Lyons co workers entered.
"I gotcha." He tossed me some keys and a helmet.
"I'll bring it back tomorrow!" I saluted him then looked down at my dress solemnly. I took the sharp key and ripped the bottom of the dress to where it came to just below my underwear.
"I'm gonna need a ride too." Gray stated picking himself up off the ground and handing me my heels.
"Huh-uh." I pointed to his feet.

Grays pov:
I sighed and handed her my dress shoes as she handed me her heels.
"Hell no."

Running in heels was hard, almost impossible, I'm calling bullshit on action movies. But then again I'm more turned on than I have been in my entire life. Her dress had ridden up completely and was resting around her hips now. I could see the full expanse of her backside running in front of me. Her underwear is black and lacy and hot.
"Get on." She started the motor cycle and I willingly sat behind her and she handed mea helmet. The heels were way too small for my man feet. She had to be, at most, a size six in shoes. I felt like I was wearing Saran Wrap from hell on my toes.
"Hang on." She ordered and I wrapped my arms around her waist as we sped forward. I loved Juvias shy adorable side and it was pretty damn hot but this side of, so dominant, well it was...downright sexy. I hope she doesn't feel my raging erection poking her.
"Move your arm away from there." She swats at my crotch and my ego soars through the roof.
"Nah" I lean in more till I'm flush against her backside.

Ahn~ cliffhanger~ will juvia get home in time?! Will she realize that grays dick is on her?! Will Gajeel and levy get separated?! WHO KNOWS!!!!
Love you~

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