Chapter One - Eyes Like The Sea,

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8 Seconds 2 Midnight.

The new band - er - boyband I was in. I couldn't even imagine myself saying the words. It hasn't been what I pictured when I signed up to audition for the X-Factor.

But as my dad always told me. Plans change.

The guys weren't so bad, honestly. It was just that we all barely had anything in common.

Dougie was British. The rest of us were American. Melo was younger than the rest of us. Alby was too quiet. Sebastian was too loud. Jules was too religious. I was too not religious. Alby played the violin. I played the guitar.

Kai and Alfie had formed their own little clique within days of our trip to get to know each other between the auditions and the live shows. And then barely talked to any of the rest of us.

"Any gang related tattoos?" Melo asked me, his eyes scanning my arms - searching through the tattoos.

"Do I look like I would have gang related tattoos?" I asked, an amused tone to my voice.

Alby flopped down into the unoccupied chair, raising an eyebrow - small smile appearing on his face. "Maybe you do."

"You think so, Al?" I asked, smile breaking through onto my face. Carmelo laughed quietly. "Well I actually don't have any gang related tattoos."

Alby had been the first one of us to truly make an effort with everyone in the group. And I honestly appreciated his effort. It was due to him that I wasn't so pessimistic about our chances of actually coexisting now.

We just had to find a way to all work together toward winning the X-Factor. Cause as Alby loved to tell all of us in his come together speech, if we could make it on our own - we wouldn't have been put into the group.

And so far the practices had been going better every day. Maybe we were finally learning how to work together toward the greater good for all of our futures.


We had made it through a few weeks of live shows and were relaxing at the contestants house. Well maybe relaxing wasn't the best term for me currently.

Cause I was trying to teach Carmelo how to play guitar after he had asked if I would mind to do so. Which I told him that I didn't mind at all, because I didn't. Because it gave me something to do other than thinking about another contestant who had caught my attention since we had gotten to the house.

Lauren Jauregui. A member of a girl group that was also on this season. Her group had been put together by Simon the same way we had been, and it was something we had bonded over in our first few nights of being at the house.

"So, Cass, you think we honestly have a chance at making it?" Melo asked, looking over at me.

I nodded, "Sure why not? Someone has to make it. Why not us?"

He nodded, his gaze staying down on the guitar. "I was just thinking, you know since we all actually came here as solo artists. It's gonna be harder for us to make it once we're off the show."

"It's all gonna be good, Melo." I replied, smiling over at the younger boy. "Trust me, man."

I heard footsteps walking into the room behind where we were sitting on the couch, and turned around. Finding Dinah Jane, one of Laurens band mates, standing there.

"Whatcha doing?" Dinah asked, sitting down across from us.

"Casper's helping me with guitar." Carmelo said, sitting his guitar down on the floor.

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