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Sea green eyes and blonde hair wrapped in a ponytail haunted my vision.

I knew that Betty and I barely knew one another, but I didn't regret a thing about that night.

But, I did want to get to know her. 

Even though Betty tried to get away from me, I could feel it in my gut that she felt the same way I did.

I was pissed that South Side High was closing, but remembering that Betty was there almost made me feel better yet at the same time it made me angrier.

It was lunch, and I watched Betty from my table.

She didn't look happy, not the happy I saw when I put her against my cabinet anyway.

I saw that the people on at her table tried to interact with her, but she just seemed so...fake.

I sighed. Did she have the same dreams I did about her? Did she really feel the same way?

"Hey Jones," the voice of Toni Topaz said holding her lunch tray.

For as long as I could remember, Toni and I have been best friends. We knew each other's secrets, and we trusted each other better than anyone else.

She was the only person I told about that night because I knew she wouldn't freak out about it like my Dad or another Serpent would.

She told me one of her secrets that day too.

That she likes girls more than boys.

We both knew that Serpents weren't so fond of gay members, just the same way they weren't fond of North Siders.

"Staring at her?" Toni asked once she sat down "you should probably stop before it gets creepy."

I rolled my eyes "I'm not staring."

"Mhm," Toni muttered, "anyway, which one is it?"

I tried to make an unnoticeable gesture to Betty, and Toni's jaw dropped a little.

"Damn, she looks...nothing like you," she said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"Don't take this the wrong way but...the girl looks like pure Northside. You're all dark and emo and she looks like she's all sunshine and happiness."

"Trust me, she's not," I told Toni once I stole one of her fries "I may have only talked to her for an hour, but I know for a fact she's not all that."

"Okay, I believe you" Toni replied, "and I'm stealing food from you next time."

Just then, the rest of the Serpents came to our table.

𝐆𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭𝐚 (𝐵𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑) ✓Where stories live. Discover now