Chapter 21 - A Glimpse of You

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The next night, I found myself in bed, sinking deep into my mind, being consumed by my thoughts.

Everything projected before me, my family, and all the events that led up to this moment, particularly what we witnessed yesterday. I was no longer sure of what the next day held in its grasp. As much as I hated to admit it, I was scared, terrified, in fact.

I felt so lost like I was on a track that led to nowhere.

I tried my best every day to be optimistic; I found solace in telling myself that I was going to be okay...

My eyes pooled with water, and a single tear escaped, gliding down my cheek.

I thought back to yesterday. Logic was tied up in knots as I saw the men in the trucks release those hunters.

What was at play here? Everything that I knew or thought I knew no longer made sense. I couldn't fathom a rational explanation for why they did what they did.

I stirred, pain pulsating through my arm. I reached over and gently held the area that ached.

My mind flickered back to his thumb, gently caressing the area near my wound yesterday.

Romero seemed to be the only constant thing in my life right now, yet he was still a mystery to me.

On the surface of my heart, I felt myself becoming attached to him. His presence made me feel...

I just dismissed it. I still didn't trust him fully. How did he know we should hide when those trucks rolled in?

They could've easily been other survivors. It was almost as though he knew right away that they were trouble.

The way he acted seemed suspicious, but I wasn't ready to confront him yet.

Right then, there was a soft knock at the door.

"You can come in," I said as I carefully maneuvered myself to an almost sitting position.

Romero opened the door and stepped in, "I brought some painkillers."

I saw that he was holding a small orange bottle and a glass of water.

"Thanks," I watched as he walked over to the nightstand.

"You should try to get some sleep," he said after he placed the bottle of pills and water down.

"I've been trying for hours now," I said with a weak smile.

He chuckled lightly and moved towards the door.

"Hey," I said.

"Yeah?" he looked back, studying me.

A brief moment passed before I said, "Stay..."

Honestly, I didn't want to be alone, I knew my thoughts would get the best of me, pushing me into a cage of depression, trapped in sadness.

Without saying a word, he closed the door and took a seat on a single sofa in the corner of the room facing the bed.

He looked at me as I sipped some of the water, washing down two of the pills.

"Thanks again for taking care of this," I said, looking at my arm.

"Yeah... no problem," he said, then ran a hand through his hair.

"You know we've spent all this time together, and I still don't know much about you," I eyed him curiously.

He eyed me curiously.

"What do you want to know?" he said.

I was taken aback by his question. He was always so closed off. This was a rare chance to unravel the mystery that was Romero.

"Tell more about your life before all of this," I said.

He looked as though he was thinking about his next words.

"Mostly work. When I was off, I'd spend time making wooden sculptures or furniture."

"That's interesting," I interjected."What did you do with them?"

"I gave them away; the furniture, mosly to people that were struggling to afford things." He answered before continuing.

"I traveled to explore different places, but mosly. Occasionally, Marco would be able to get me to go to a club or rave. That's it."

I laughed at the last part. It was hard to picture Romero in that kind of setting.

I saw him raise an eyebrow at me.

"How are you so sure your friend isn't dead? it's been almost two weeks, and he hasn't shown up." I tried to ask in the most sensitive way possible.

"He's very capable of taking care of himself."

"Marco sounds like an interesting guy."

"That he is." He said with a chuckle that seemed to have a meaning that I was unaware of.

"You'd like him. He's quite the charmer," he said.

"And you?"

He didn't answer, just watched with a soft expression.

I was beginning to feel the sensation of sleep creeping over me; I lay slightly on my side facing Romero as we continued talking.

Soon, he became a blurry silhouette as my eyes lids began to close, and then there was nothing, only darkness. I felt the blanket move, covering my body, then the door opened and closed softly.

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