Chapter 11 - I'll Find You

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He slowed the vehicle, approaching a vacant gas station. It was strange to see this once busy town, always so full of life, empty.

Pulling up near one of the pumps, he killed the engine. Gun in hand, he ejected the empty magazine, switching it out for a full one.

Swinging the door open, he exited the car. I pulled on the handle of the door, opening it and stepping out as well.   The mid-day sun blazed the earth, its bright light enough to make me shield my eyes with my hand.

"I'm going to find a bathroom."

"Okay," he stated flatly.

I started towards the building, and he followed behind me.

I contorted my face in confusion, "Umm..."

He passed me walking into the convenience store attached to the gas station, "I'm making sure there's nothing here."

Right, he was the one with the gun.


I joined him, walking side by side. At the door, he scanned the interior before pushing it open. He kept in front of me walking in cautiously. He pulled the gun from his waistband and thumped it a few times against one of the shelves then waited, listening for movement.


The store was one of the newer convenience shops, however, there were a few food supplies knocked down and open on the floor. It looked as though some people had done rushed last minute shopping here. He continued to check the place. Nearing the bathroom he ducked in first to make sure it was clear.

"It's clear," he said as he exited the bathroom.


He just gave me a nod.

I walked in, closing the door, leaving him on the other side. Soon after, I heard him walking away, his footsteps gradually becoming faint with distance. I looked at myself in the mirror for a moment, thinking in silence.

The water sprayed as I turned on the tap, breaking the ghostly stillness. I placed my hands under the running water, rubbing them together with a little extra effort, trying to get the bloodstains out.

My mind flashed back to the moment I jerked the splintered end of the mop handle into the man. I winced at the thought and continued rubbing my hands together.

Looking down at my clothes, I noticed that there were blood splatter stains on them. I slipped out and got some clothes, taking some extra that I would carry with me. I returned to the bathroom and changed.

Walking back to the shopping area, I grabbed some sealed food supplies, realizing just then how hungry I felt. I also snatched a few snacks and filled them into one of the shopping bags near the counter.

Pulling the door open, I made my way back to the car. He stood there holding the fuel nozzle, filling up the tank.

I continued to walk towards him as he looked at the bag approvingly.

Just then, a sound echoed, and I froze in disbelief. The sound was coming from me... my phone was ringing.

With urgency, I slipped the phone out of my back pocket. My eyes widened when I saw Nathan's caller ID on the screen.

"Are you going to get that?" The stranger spoke, snapping me out of my state of disbelief, I tapped the answer button, bringing the phone up to my ear.

"Nathan?" I breathed.

"Hailey, wh- "

"Thank God you're okay!" I said, cutting him off. I was relieved to hear my brother's voice. I had never been so happy to speak to him; it was a burst of overwhelming and unexplainable joy.

"I'm so glad you're all right," he said, "I got your text about the evacuation. Are you guys safe?"

I felt the wound in my chest opening at his question. I didn’t know how to answer.

"Yes, I'm fine... Nathan, where are you?"

"I'm still at the stadium. Things went south. A few other guys and I are hiding in one of the locker rooms. People are killing one another. This shit is crazy." After he spoke, I heard shuffling and panicked yelling in the background.

"Nathan, what's going on?" My voice quivered with fear.

From the corner of my eye, I could see the stranger looking at me curiously.

"Hailey, I have to go," Nathan said in a rushed tone.

"No wai-." He hung up.

I removed the phone from my ear, squeezing it tightly. The conversation replayed in my head, and I pulled out the most important detail.

He was still at the stadium.

I had to go, I had to find him. I turned to look at the person across from me. He was leaned against the car arms folded, already looking at me.

"That was my brother, I have to go to the stadium," I said, feeling a strong determination burning at my core.

He leaned off the car, looking at me with a calculative expression. I felt a flicker of worry. I knew I would have a greater chance of survival with him. But if he decided against it, I would go after my brother regardless.

With or without him.

"You do know that would mean heading back into the city." He said, holding my gaze.

"Please." I breathed out desperately.

After a tense moment, he released a long audible breath; "I'll take you," he spoke in that serious yet calm, collected tone.

"Thank you," I responded gratefully.

I opened the passenger side door and climbed in, resting the bag I was carrying on my lap. After a few seconds, he got into the driver's seat and sparked the engine to life. We pulled out of the gas station and onto the road, heading in the direction of the stadium.

It would take us an hour to get there. Thinking back to how the call ended, I hoped with everything within me that Nathan was okay.

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