Chapter 23 - Long Time No See

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"I remember everything about you, Kam. Your likes and dislikes."

"This is good, mommy," the son said with a big smile and cake crumbs on his face.

How can I interfere with her happiness? Kam has a loving husband that will do all he can to protect her. And two beautiful kids.

"How long have you guys been married?"

"We have been married for a week," her husband said.

"Congratulations, I am happy for you."

"Thank you, Jake."

Kam still has the most beautiful smile a girl could have.

"Wait until my parents and Noeli find out who my bodyguard is."

"It will be good to see them again."

"Daddy, can we watch tv now?"

"Of course," Kam's daughter said, "Bye, Jake."

"Bye, sweetie." And they left the dining room.

"Jake, can we talk later? Why didn't you try to contact me? I worried about you when you left. I thought I did something wrong to make you leave me." Kamea had a hurt look on her face.

I sighed, "I have to talk to your husband first. But, of course, we can talk later."

"I'll get started cleaning the dishes." Kam started cleaning the dining room table.

"This is really going to be hard."

Her husband came back, and he started peppering me with questions. "First, I need to know your intentions toward my wife."

"To protect her and make sure she is safe at all times."

"She told me you were dating in college. Do you intend to try and date her again?" 

"No, Mr. Fiore. I have too much respect for marriage. Kamea's happiness is all that matters to me."

"Are you still in love with her? Because the look on your face when you saw her said, you were." 

Sighing, I gave him my answer, "Look, Mr. Fiore, Kam was and is special to me. What we had in college is in the past. My job is to be her bodyguard and nothing else. I promise you that I will keep things professional between us."

"As long as that is clear, then we will have no problems. Now, I am sure she has questions for you. Don't upset my wife, Jake. She has been through enough this week." And then, he left.

Kam came back for the rest of the dishes that were on the table. "I'll help you."

I carried some dishes and followed her into the kitchen. It was quiet for a minute or two while she washed and I dried. She pointed to where each dish went.

"Why Jake? Why didn't you try to contact me? We were best friends. I worried about you. I was even scared that you weren't alive. I thought you didn't like me anymore after what almost happened. I was even too scared to tell you my true feelings."

Her husband said not to upset her, but it was too late because Kam was crying.

"Kam, it was never you. And why would you think that? I care about you more than you know. When I went away to train to become a bodyguard, we couldn't have outside contact with anyone. I hated that I couldn't call my best friend. I thought about you the whole time I was there. We could not have any phones or access to any computers. The training was intense, and they wanted us focused."

"Well, that wasn't fair. What if something happened to your family?"

"You're right. My father went through the same training. It was hard for him too. Believe me when I say that I tried to call you. But I was caught each time. After training, the first thing I wanted to do was tell you how I felt about you - our relationship, marriage, etc. I missed your laugh and your contagious smile. But one of my friends said you were dating a guy named Reed. If it wasn't with me, I just wanted to see you happy. So, I left. I started getting jobs guarding people - some famous and some not. But, I see that relationship with Reed did not work out."

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