Chapter twenty-four.

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Harry's POV

They say drunk people and little kids always say the truth, but what do you do when the person you want to talk to is passed out next to you?

About two hours had passed since Selena fell asleep on me and I was still trying to look for her hotel. Okay, maybe I wasn't necessarily trying but it's the thought that counts. I just wanted her to wake up so I could see her beautiful eyes and so we could talk.

There's so much that has happened over the course of these years that I can't wait to tell her about. I'm still a bit confused though; why doesn't she remember me? Some of the theories I have come up with have to do with the fact that she might be playing hard to get.

I don't blame the poor girl though. I basically abandomed her without a single word and without a proper goodbye. I would hate myself too if I was in her place.

A quiet yawn emitted from the intoxicated person next to me, causing my attention to divert to her quickly.

"Where am I?" Selena spoke up quietly as she streched a bit in the black leather seat. I let her wake up properly as she quickly scanned her surroundings and let out another yawn.

"You're in my car?" I replied, although I'm pretty sure it sounded more like a question than a reply.

It was quiet for the next five minuets because she never said anything after I told her where she was. A part of me was screaming that she was scared of being in the car with me, and the other part was telling me that she was just another teenage girl asking for my attention.

Tell me I'm messed up in the head for thinking about my ex best friend in that type of way, but it's a possibility.

I finally gave up driving in circles and headed towards the hotel I was currently staying at. The silence between us was very thick and deadly.

"Where are you going? None of this looks familiar..." The girl next to me spoke up and started straightening her body up.

"We're going over to the hotel I'm staying in. You didn't tell me which one you were staying at and I'm getting tired of driving around. Plus mine is like right here," I replied as I drove up to the front of the hotel and shut off the engine.

Tiredly, I climbed out of it and walked over to the side where Selena was. I opened the door for her and took her hand, which she cringed at in return. A guy dressed up in a red suite came up to me and took my car keys from me, he bid us a goodnight before driving my car to who knows where.

"This is dangerous, you know?"

"How?" I turned my head to look at her as she forcefully walked with me inside.

"We're going to be making headlines tomorrow because of this, they'll start nasty rumours about us. You should have just left me there and let me figure it out on my own..."

I shook my head at her and we both walked into the elevator, with her now keeping her distance from me.

"Why would I do that? So some guy could have snatched you up against your will and so they could have had their way with you?" Her eyes met mine briefly before she immidiatley looked away.

"We both know that that wouldn't have happened Harry, you're over exaggerating now..."

"Well honey last time I checked I'm a guy, and guys don't look at their moms the way all those dickheads were looking at you tonight," I replied with a bit of annoyance in my voice.

She didn't dare look up at me again as we walked out of the elevator and to where my room was. Hastily, I looked through my jean pockets for my room key and finally fished it out. With one swift movement I unlocked the door and stepped aside for her to get in.

After she had walked in, i locked the door behind us and tossed the key over to the table beside the door. I kicked off my shoes in the process while Selena stood in front of me, clutching her small frame to herself.

"You okay love?" I asked gently as I made my way over to her.

She backed up looking at her feet and shook her head for no. "I wanna go home..."

"Home? As in with your mom?" She nodded her head for yes which made me sigh.

"How about we get you to bed? You seem like you're about to pass out any second now..."

This time I made my way to her and grabbed her by her waist, she didn't object this time. I picked her up bridal style and carried her to my bed. Her body immeditaley went limp in my arms, indicating she had fallen asleep.

"This is gonna be a long night," I whispered to myself.

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