Chapter twenty-two.

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Harry's POV:

We both stood still, staring into each others eyes, as everyone around us seemed to sway in sinc to the head pounding music. Neither of us said a word for the next couple minutes until she decided to break the silence.

"Y-you're Harry S-Styles?"

Her voice rang through my mind like a stream runs down the river. Just listening to her calmed all my worries and just like that I forgot that I ever even left her.

"Yeah...yanno Haz?" I replied trying to take all her beauty in with my eyes, but I don't think it was humanely possible.

"I'm really flattered that you confused me with someone else, but I think you have the wrong person," Selena looked down at my hands that were now placed on her hips, and she slowly took them off of her.

"Wait...what!?!" Before she could even reply, a drunk looking Eleanor stumbled toward us and wrapped her arms around Selena.

"I wanna go to bedddddd," Eleanor started complaining out of nowhere. I on the other hand kept staring at Selena and admiring everything about her, puberty did her good as well.

"I think it's time for you to go home big man," I replied as Selena struggled keeping her up on her feet.

Eleanor immediately put her hand over her mouth and started giggling like crazy, "Louis doesn't k-know I'm a guy yettttttttt."

I laughed at her statement,  everyone knows Eleanor has the mind of a five year old when she gets drunk.

"Where's Louis? Isn't he suppose to be with you?" Selena now asked Eleanor who had started twirling her hair around her finger.

"We were making out over thereeee, and next thing I know...Poof! He disappeared! I think he's a ghost and I've gone crazyy nowwww."

Selena looked over at me with a 'Please help me face.' I nodded and took the clingy Eleanor off her body. Eleanor then turned around and gasped loudly. "Bloody hell! One second you're over there and now you're over here...Are you a ghost as well!?!"

I rolled my eyes at her and started making my way out of the sweaty dancing bodies. As I walked out with Eleanor in my arms, she kept saying some weird shit that could probably get her into a mental hospital.

"HARRY?!?" I turned around and saw Louis trying to make his way towards me.

"What the hell are you doing with my girlfriend!?!" His face looked red and his words came out rough.

"I was gonna take her home, she's really had one too many tonight..." I replied a bit uneasy because he seemed mad.

"Well I'm here now, you can let her go. Thank you very much," Louis snapped at me and took Eleanor from my arms, and in a matter of seconds they both disappeared.

I stood there on the side of the dance floor as walking cakes tried to grind on me. Girls these days, it's actually quite funny. If you wanna be a cake just say so, I know we all have a dream.

Someone poked my back as I stood there looking at the bartender who tried to serve everyone at once. I turned around and saw it was...Selena.

"Oh hi there," I smiled at her as she looked away from me, with blush creeping up on her face.

"Do you know where Eleanor went? She was my ride home and I can't find her..."

"Oh, well I'm pretty sure Louis just took her home..."

Selena nodded awkwardly and backed away, "I guess I'll walk home...."

"If you'd like I could uhm take you home?" I smirked a bit at how perverted that sounded.

"Nah it's fine, I don't want to waste your time," She replied and started walking away.

I watched her start to walk away and then I ran after her. "WAIT!"

She didn't seem to have heard or notice me run after her because she kept walking straight towards the exit. Guys were constantly throwing themselves onto her and to be honest it was gross watching. Even girls found her appealing in the short sexy dress of hers...

We both stood at the exit now, with me still remaining unnoticed. "Shit, it's raining..." I heard her mumble.

I chuckled softly and placed my hands on her waist, "You sure you don't want a ride?"

"How do I know you won't try to rape me?" She asked and removed my hands from her again.

"I could ask you the same thing love," I chuckled taking off my jacket and putting it around her shoulders.

"Let's take you home."

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