Chapter eleven.

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Harry's P.O.V.

What?!? That couldn't possibly be me could it?

I stared at the reflection sitting in front of me expecting it to disappear or something but it never did.

"So you like it?!?" Selena chirped from beside me.

"L-like it? I-I love it!" 

"I'm glad you do Haz, it looks nice on you." She complimented making me blush but I quickly pushed the thought away.

She likes someone else who's better dweeb. 

Of course, there'll always be someone better than I but hey I guess that's ok. If no one cares why should I let it bother me?

"Well it looks as if it's time for me to go home now, would you mind telling your mom to drop me off?" I stood up and nodded.

"Sure let's go." She got up too, getting her stuff and following me downstairs where I spotted Gemma eating.

"H-hey do you know where mum w-went?" I asked her and she nearly choked on her cereal. Such a knucklehead.

"Did you guys at least use protection?!?!"

"W-what the h-heck Gemma!"

Mum came down the stairs with her phone in hand, "What is all the yelling ab-" Mum also stopped in mid-sentence once she spotted my hair.

"Harry is that you?" I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck and nodded.

"Mum c-could you take S-selena home?"

"Yea sure honey, let's go." I followed behind the two females, sighing.

"Thanks for letting me stay over Mrs.Styles" Selena squeaked out giving my mum a small smile as she unlocked the door.

"It was nothing love, you are welcome to come any day you want, this is also now your house since you're the first person Harry has actually brought home." She giggled looking at me as I turned scarlet red.

"I'm s-still here mum, t-thank you very much..."

"Oh my gosh, I did not see you there!"

"It's fine mum can we go?"



I was back sitting on my bed scrolling through my email's, there really isn't anything interesting on the internet now a days. Just a bunch of kids about my age bullying each other. Only if they knew that their words actually do hurt, maybe just maybe they would change.

'Think you have the talent it takes to impress the judges? Sign up to come perform live on the X-Factor for a chance to achieve your dreams!' 

Read one of my emails, hmm that seems interesting. I clicked on the tab and a red colorful page popped up on how to sign up and stuff like that.

I was halfway through reading the long article when I got the idea to sign up. Just a little singing of mine wouldn't hurt right? This may be a career I could take. But then again why would they pick me I'm a nerd, loser, ect.

Just the thought of being on T.V. singing makes me get the chills, not the bad ones but the good ones.

Lazily, I turned off my computer, took all my clothes off except for my boxers and climbed into bed. There still may be hope in me.


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