"Emerald," a voice said shaking my leg. "Time to wake up." I opened my eyes and sat up confused. It can't have already been seven, I had just went back to bed.

"It's not seven is it?" I asked.

"It is," Trish laughed. "You were out."

"I wasn't sleeping," I said to her. "I literally laid back down since Harry had woken me up to see if Princess Gemma was in here, which she was, she left and I just laid back down."

"It must have been some thinking if you thought you had just went to bed," she smiled. "It's seven o' five, see?" she asked holding her watch out to me. I glanced at it and sure enough, the time was indeed five after seven.

"Why did it only seem like ten minutes?" 

"I'm not sure, sweetheart," she smiled. 

"Good morning Ms. Price, your schedule as follows. Eight to ten thirty is with Prince Harry for your lessons, your lessons with the queen at eleven—"

"Prince Harry said he had cleared my schedule for the day, Ms. Thurst," I said to her. "He told me that a few hours ago."

Priscilla pursed her lips in a tight line and looked through her papers seeing if there was any change. Her eyebrows furrowed making her already visible wrinkles more visible. I twiddled my thumb as I watched her.

"One moment," she said quickly and dismissed herself from the room. Trish looked at me with a smirk.

"Never thought I would see the day where Priscilla had something go wrong in her schedule," Trish laughed. "The woman has a stick up her ass."

"Mum!" Doniya gasped. "Don't let her hear you!" 

"Oh shush, I've been here far longer than she has and she never has anything go wrong," Trish laughed. "You learn to laugh at the few mistakes she has, Emerald."

"If I ever do marry the prince, can I request a new schedule person?" I asked her in a hushed tone. "I don't really like her."

"Yes," she laughed. "I would hope you do. When you become one of them, you get one of her by your side all day. I would want a new one, too," she smiled to me. I heard the click of Priscilla's shoes as she came back into the room.

"It appears your schedule has been cleared, Ms. Price. I am sorry for the confusion," she said bowing her head to me. "Prince Harry will come to your room at eight to bring you to breakfast in his room. Immediately following that, you will take the carriage and spend your day about Ula and return in the evening," she listed closing her folder and tucking it under her arm.

"That's it? No novel for the day?" I asked.

"Novel?" she scoffed. "It's a schedule."

"Yes, bu—" I was cut off by Trish's hand covering my mouth.

"Thank you Priscilla," she smiled and waved her off. "Sweetie, she can make your life hell. Especially since you're not royalty. She's done it before."

"Seriously?" I asked her. "She can make my life hell? That hardly seems fair."

"According to Priscilla, the only way someone like you would earn her respect is if you are either someone with royal blood or have given birth to the next heir to the throne. That is her only exception," Trish said with a smile. "Time to get dressed, enough arguing."

"Sorry," I apologized. "I just am not a fan of Priscilla."

"No one is. I think she spits in our food," Doniya said. "She hates everyone. Queen Anne isn't her favorite person either, so she would be one to talk to."

The Prince (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now