With You

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I sat up and rubbed my eyes waiting for my vision to become more clear. I looked to my left and Chris was no longer laying there. I pulled back the covers and walked to the bathroom. I used the bathroom and then brushed my teeth thoroughly. I climbed back in the bed and reached over grabbing the remote off the end table.

As soon as I turned on the tv it was on BET and Baby Boy was playing. I swear this movie in one twenty-four fucking seven.

I grabbed my phone and went to my instagram and just scrolled through the comments on my most recent dance video. For the most part, it was really supportive. I snuggled up with the pillow that was beside me and just watched Yvette yell at Jody. The movie was almost over and the bedroom door opened.

I looked over and Chris had a tray of breakfast and a little gift bag in his hand. "Good morning" He smiles walking over to me. He had on his sweatpants, Gucci slides, but no t-shirt. "Goodmorning, where's your shirt?"

I sat up and he sat the tray down on my lap. "I spilled your orange juice on me in the car. I laugh and shake my head. It was a bacon and cheese omelet, grits and pancakes. My mouth was already watering just looking at it. Oh, I wasn't talking about the food.

"Thanks, do you want some?" I ask him and he shakes his head "No my food downstairs" Chris replies.

"Here I got this for you" Chris tells me handing me the little pink gift bag. "What is it?" I ask eating some of my food.

"Look and see" Chris sits down on the edge of the bed beside me.

"You gotta stop with the gifts" I tell him reaching into the bag.

"Yeahhh no"

I moved around the tissue paper and grabbed the little black box that was on the bottom. "What's this?" I questioned raising an eyebrow just holding it in my hand. I already knew what it is but I knew good and well it wasn't an engagement ring. "Open it damn" Chris laughs.

I open it and it was a ring. A healthy size ring. A fat ass ring.

"Will you be my girlfriend Bianca?"

Wow. This was so extra. I love it. "Awwwn you're so cute" I smile poking out my bottom lip "Yes, yes I will" I couldn't lean forward to kiss him because my stomach would knock into the tray and knock it over.

"Bring me your face" I laugh reaching out to him. He gets up and leans down to kiss me. I grabbed both sides of his face making him kiss me even longer than he had planned too.

"Okay. I'm hungry. let. me. go" Chris says in between kisses. I pecked his lips and then let him go. "We got something else to talk about but we'll talk later" Chris replies walking out the door.

"What're you talking about?"

"Nothing" He yells loud enough so I could hear him. I devoured my food and just watched tv for a little bit. Chris came back upstairs shortly later and laid down next to me. I draped my legs over his and laid  my head on his bare chest. We stayed like this for hours it seems.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" I ask Chris glancing up at him.

"I just wanted to ask how you wanted to announce the pregnancy?" Chris replies.

"Oh...I don't know. Are we having a gender reveal?"

"Do you want one?"

"I mean yeah it'll be nice" I tell him with a slight shrug.

"Then we're having one then. Whatever you want, I gotchu" Chris states pecking my forehead.

"So we'll just have a secret gender reveal with our families and friends then just post the pictures as a confirmation" I reply to him.

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