I Want You All To Myself

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I woke up butt naked with no type of cover covering my body

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I woke up butt naked with no type of cover covering my body. I looked over and David wasn't laying beside me. I could hear the toilet flush so I just laid there and pretended to still be sleeping. I could hear him walk back into the room and the bed moved when he laid down beside me. He pulled me closer to him so my head was laying on his chest. He grabbed my ass and began to massage it.

I heard the tv turn on and I knew I was gonna have to pretend like I was sleep for a while longer. So I sat up and yawned rubbing my eyes before walking into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I grabbed my brush out the cabinet and brushed my hair thoroughly before walking back into the room. I opened the drawer with my stuff in it and grabbed a black tank top pulling it on and then put on a pair of David's boxers. I turned around and he was just staring at me. "What?" I laugh furrowing my eyebrows at him.

"You're just beautiful as hell. What did I do to deserve you"

"Dicked me down right every night" I joke climbing into the bed snuggling up next to him as he laughed. He pecked my forehead and then wrapped his arms around me. Maybe I do need to create some distance between Chris and I because I don't want to lose what me and David have. He's the first guy I've genuinely had feelings for in years. Even though I do love Chris, I don't love him more than a sister loves her brother.

"Since I'm just soooo beautiful you should go make breakfast" I smile looking up at him.

"Whatchu wanna eat?"

"Surprise me" I reply

"If I make breakfast you'll make dinner?"

"Bet" He replies climbing out the bed. He walks out the room and laid their sprawled out across the bed. My phone started ringing so I looked around the bed for my phone. I grabbed it and looked at the caller i.d and it was Parish calling.

"Hello" I answer turning the phone on speaker.

"Are you going to the studio today?" She asks me.

"I probably go a little later to come up with some choreography buts that's it. Rehearsals isn't until wednesday" I tell her rolling over sitting up against the headboard.

"You gotta figure out the choreograph for Privacy right?"

"Yeah I'll figure it out hopefully later on or maybe tomorrow"

"You with Chris?" Parish asks me.

"No I'm at Dave's house" I tell her 

"Oh well I'll talk to you later so you can go spend time with your boo bae"

"B-Bye" I tell her before hanging up the phone and then sat it down beside me. I grabbed the remote and turned to VH1 where reruns of My Wife & Kids was playing. I laid there in bed watching tv for a while then the smell of bacon filled my nose. I climbed out of bed and walked out the room.

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