Easter Surprise

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(Here's you readers a nice Easter Fool's gift basket! With one cute lovey dovey chapter for Hoodie and Masky!)

Hoodie and Masky were walking through the woods, back from an early morning kill.

Masky's POV~
What are these feelings? Hoodie looks so damn cute coated in blood though.... W-What??? What am I thinking. I've never felt like this around him before, why now? Why this? I walked in to see Ben on the couch, playing Minecraft. ''Heya elf boy!'' I waved to him, instantly the small male got pouty, making me chuckle and Hoodie also chuckled amused. ''Hey uh Masky... Meet me later at my room. I have something to show you.'' He hurried off, what was he talking about? ''I have a present for you too.'' Ben handed me a blue plastic egg, I opened it without thinking, a actual chicken egg fell out of it on my foot breaking. I growled. ''God damn it, Ben!'' He was laughing his little elf ass off. ''Oh come on Masky, be a good sport. It's Easter and April Fools!'' I threw the damned blue egg at his face in response, then walked upstairs to clean off my boot and lower portion of my jeans. Wonder what Hoodie has planned for me... Hope it's not another Easter prank, granted that really isn't his style. He has always HATED April Fools. Bunch of idiots running around pulling the stupidest pranks in history. Once cleaned off I went downstairs to grab a snack, carefully scanning my surroundings for anymore pranks set up. Sometimes they set up traps too, opening the cabinet quickly, a bowl full of egg tipped over pouring the gooey fluids all over my mask and head. ''BEN!!! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!'' I snarled, thoroughly pissed off by the short male now. Ben walked in the kitchen. ''Oh, sorry Masky. That one wasn't meant for you.'' ''The hell, Ben!???'' I grabbed him by the neck of his shirt, the little asshole screamed and teleported into the TV. I walked upstairs, washed my mask then took a nice long relaxing shower.

Ben's POV~
Damn he's cranky today, I really didn't mean for two traps to get him, knowing how much he hates it. Good thing nothing's ever put in his bathroom by Jeff are anyone, we at least know not to do that, that would be fucking death sentence. I peeked out of the TV, no sign of Masky yet. Better go clean up the egg that got on the kitchen floor. I walked to the kitchen and began cleaning up when I heard someone coming, it was Hoodie. He shuffled through the lower cabinets getting an herb of some kind, then disappeared out the door again. Weird...


Masky's POV~
I left the bathroom a few minutes ago and got dressed, jeans, red and black checkered shirt and boots. I slipped my now clean mask on then went to Hoodie's room, I wasn't given a specific time but oh well. I knocked and the door opened, revealing Hoodie, he wasn't wearing his mask... He's quite attractive though.... A few light freckles dot his face, a rounded face, dark brown eyes and pale skin. I caught myself staring at his nice as hell features. ''Sorry, surprised to see you without your mask. Why am I here?'' ''Mistletoe.'' The slightly shorter than me male pointed up at some mistletoe, the herb was hung carefully in the doorway. ''Uh... Hoods its not christ-'' I was cut off by my mask being pushed up, revealing my lips. ''H-Hoo-!'' mmf, he just kissed me??? ''Happy Easter! I'm sorry!'' The door quickly shut in my face, I just stood there in shock. Was that a prank? What just happened...

(Sorry if the chapter isn't that good, I had planned on making something like this for Easter but I just started working on it TODAY! I forgot about it awhile and then suddenly it turned out today was Easter and I was like..... SHhiIIITTtTTTttTtTtT. So... Here ya losers go! Baaaiii!)

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