The Architect Ep. 3 Fatal attractions

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"How's the house coming along?" Selena asked Demi as they made their way to work.

"You mean the drawing on a big piece of paper. It's going wonderfully." Demi moaned as she rubbed her temples.

"Demi, it's been almost a month and a half of planning. What are you waiting for?" Selena said in the usual tone she only used for her friend.

"Sel, it has to be flawless. It's my home we're talking about here!"

"Joe is like Jesus Christ for dealing with your indecisive picky ass."

"Yeah.. He is" Demi smiled looking down

"Well you let me know when you two are done drawing so that I can start your permits. We want your house to be ready for the big day don't we!" Selena squealed reminding Demi she was getting married. She knew that smile wasn't a friendly smile...

"Of course." Demi responded remembering Wilmer at as Traci got out of the car.

Demi drove off after dropping Selena off and couldn't stop thinking about how long she was taking to actually finish this. She had to see Joe, and she had to see him ASAP. She drove to the temp house and sure enough she found Joe working on one of the drawings and that made her smile automatically

"We need to hurry up."

Joe hadn't heard or noticed Demi come in, when he was concentrated, he really got into it.

"Good morning to you too." Joe replied without looking up.

"If you would look up you'd see that I had your good morning in a styrofoam cup filled with deliciousness." Demi said walking toward the charming man.

"I apologize, when I'm focussing I get all zoned out ya know? ..."

"I really don't care nerd, just tell me what we can do to push this along."

"Well for one you have to stop being indecisive ." Joe bit back. That earned him a push from Demi as she came to stand next to the architect.

"I'm sorry, I just want this to be perfect." Demi replied honestly

"It is, you've got an incredible eye for detail, and you have the most amazing ideas. You know what you want, just please trust yourself that that'll, THIS will make you happy." Joe said looking up at Demi in her eyes.

"You're just saying that." She looked back in his

"Demi, you know I'm not." He said never breaking her eyes

There was a slight moment of looking in each other's eyes. Something was there.

Demi took a side glance at Joe, she hasn't notice just how attractive he was and she didn't understand why hadn't this guy gone running already. No one deals with her this long. Except of course for Selena, but they had their long story. And well Wilmer, she figured that her money and beauty kept him next to her.

"I want to show you something." Joe smiled getting up. "Close your eyes." Joe whispered as he took Demi's hand and lead them to the back of the temp house. Joe's touch sent fireworks to her heart

"Look Joe, if you wanted To hold my hand you could have just asked instead of being creepy." Demi teased as she closed her eyes and gripped his hand pretending not to like the touch

" your heart is beating fast so I can tell you like it." He smirked. Demi was almost speechless because it was true

"Cocky much? I'm scared. That's why my heart is beating... Ouch!"

Demi yelled as she walked straight into door sill as Demi walked into the room.9

"I'm so sorry! I totally forgot you had closed your eyes! Are you okay?" Joe asked genuinely concerned

The Architect (Jemi Story)Where stories live. Discover now