Everything Falls

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the branches shiver falling leaves hit the water -Autumn has arrived


torrential downpour laughter filled beach empties -sandcastles crumble


standing on the bridge swirling waters far below -he jumps to forget


My mind was spinning and my heart was racing. Why couldn't be simple? Why couldn't everything be plain and simple? Simplicity is missing; confusion and anger fill the hollow streets of my heart. In the late hours of the night I can feel my pulse quicken as thoughts if him fill my mind. I turn back to Harry's book and begin to read another one.

"Velvet to my touch,

Silken to the sky, she is.

Beauty to behold."

I felt my heart plummet at his soft words as I imagine his large, soft hands moving across the paper. I wish things didn't have to be the way they were. I wish he would realize it's always been me who stood by his side. No one understood. How no matter the pain and suffering he has caused me, I will stand by him forever. Oh how I wish it wasn't him I loved. I wish it were someone who would love me fairly and love me as much as I love him. But that's impossible. Love is crazy and blind. Unpredictable and unintended. Love is random and nowhere near patient. Love, love is a monster. A monster set to destroy everyone and everything. There was no stopping the 'disease as some may say, of love. Love... Love rules all.

The next morning was groggy but I pushed myself out of bed and got ready for the day, heading out the door I grabbed Harry's backpack and headed out the door. I carried it to school and walked through the double doors. Walking up to Harry I dropped the heavy book laden bag on his foot.

"Here" I spat at him while walking away.

I heard Sarah screaming at him about what had just happened. I couldn't help but smile to myself. For once I had laid one over on Harry Styles. But for some reason it didn't make me feel any better...


I was stunned by what she had just said. More of the way she just said it. The pure look of hatred and loathing in her eyes. I waved away Sarah's screaming about her having my bag and what not. Honestly I didn't really care about what Sarah was saying. But it was the way she looked at me, as if I were garbage. Truth is told that's how I treat her. If I could only take it all back. I would. I would do anything for Sophie. Anything. So why was I so afraid to tell her? What was wrong with me? Why did I make her life misery, but secretly wish I didn't. I was insane.

'Oh Sophie.' I cried out inside my head. 'Oh Sophie, how I wish you knew how much I love you.'

The rest of the day passed. It was flavorless and uneventful. My mind always travelled back to this morning with Sophie. How for once her hazel eyes didn't sparkle when they looked at me. They were dry and lifeless. I did that to her and I couldn't take it back. There was no fixing what I had done. There was no chance for me to turn back time. Oh how I so desperately wanted to...

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