And It All Falls Down

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" Love, unrequited, robs me of my rest: Love, hopeless love, my ardent soul encumbers: Love, nightmare-like, lies heavy on my chest, And weaves itself into my midnight slumbers!" ~ William S. Gilbert

"Harry are you even listening to me?!" Sarah continued her rant. "Why did she have your bag? Why aren't you paging attention to me?!" She screamed at me and I finally turned to face her.

"Shut up won't you?" I puffed. My head was killing me and she was making it worse.

She feigned anger and became outraged.

"We . Are. Over." She made every word deliberate. With meaning. Honestly I couldn't care less. She huffed and walked away. All of the people in her clique gave me halfhearted looks of despise and some of the motioned for me to call them. I rolled my eyes. Girls. They are so strange. One minute they support their friends and the next they flirt with their ex's. I walked over to my locker where my best friend Bill was waiting for me. He was tossing a checkered football back and forth between his hands.

"Rough day?" He joked.

"No, not at all. But I wish I had broken up with Sarah earlier. She so...taxing. " I told him sighing.

Laughing, he said. "I told you bro. But tsk tsk. You just never listen now do you. " He winked at me and he tossed me the ball. "See ya later." I caught it and he walked to class. Today was horrible, yesterday was. I just hope the weekend gets better.


After throwing the bag down at Harry's feet I stormed off to the bathroom, keeping my composure the whole way. I even smiled. But the moment I burst through the bathroom door, it felt as if my oxygen had been cut off. I grabbed the front of my t-shirt and shoved it in my mouth. I tried to keep my cries hushed and quite. I leaned over the sink as I hyperventilated. I began to dry heave when the door burst open. I dived in an open stall as the sound of heels hitting the tile floor echoed throughout the small room. I crouched on the toilet to hide my shoes and I listened to the sound of fake crying.

"I just can't believe he cheated on me. With her! Of all people! I mean come on. She's ugly. She doesn't wear any makeup and she looks like a troll! She's just a sad excuse for a person." She ranted. I felt my ego deflate with every word of slander directed at me. I heard her sniff and peeked over the stall door. She was fixing her mascara and looking at her minions.

"What are you doing?! Leave!" She said pointing a perfectly manicured finger at the door.

When they left Sarah stood there for a moment. Silent.

Then an evil laugh bounced off of the bathroom walls.

"I know you're there Sophie." Her voice made me go cold. "I know you heard every word I said. " I heard her heels click and clack against the cold floor.

I swallowed hard and felt the door slowly open, revealing Sarah's mean face.

"It's time to pay for your actions." She said cocking her head to the side. Her eyes were wide and unfocused. I was terrified.

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