It's Frills and Thrills

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"People generally see what they look for, and hear what they listen for."

-To Kill a Mockingbird


Her motives became very apparent two months later when prom rolled around. She was hanging posters up all around the large school with our faces on them. And the words "VOTE HARRY AND SARAH FOR PROM KING AND QUEEN". Honestly, it made me sick. I had seen Sophie a few times since the bathroom incident, but Sarah wouldn't let me near her. If my gaze even travelled to the area where she was, Sarah would immediately move herself to block my line of view. You would think she would get tired of it after a while, but she continued on with her confusing ways. The day before prom was hectic. Dress colors were finalized and tuxes were approved. You would think someone was getting married. Later that night, I was driving up to Sarah's huge house and ringing the doorbell. I was greeted by her mother and father, who were both dressed like they were going out also. Everything you would expect to happen, happened. Her father dragged me off into the other room giving me the 'talk'. Her mother took several pictures of me with her father and then Sarah came downstairs. I had to admit she looked stunning, in an orangery colored dress, with matching shoes and purse, she looked pretty. Nothing was incredibly special about her though. Even though her light blue eyes were outlined in eyeliner and eyeshadow, she didn't radiate beauty. My mind traveled to Sophie and what she was doing tonight. Was she going to prom? Or was she staying home? Sarah's mom took a bunch of pictures of Sarah and I and then we drove off to school. We pulled into the parking lot and got out of the black car. We walked into the building that was shaking from the music. Sarah immediately began to socialize with everyone keeping me on her arm at all times. I spotted a shimmery dress out of the corner of my eye and turned my head to see who it was. It Sophie, wearing a gorgeous, floor length, silver dress. She was beautiful, and I couldn't take my eyes off of her. When I tried to break free of Sarah's grip, a voice echoed around the gym.

"Ladies! And gentlemen! Tonight is the night! The night we crown our new royals! Are we ready?!" He looked around the room as a deafening roar of approval echoed around the room.

"Alright then." He said grabbing a white envelope from the table next to him and opening it. " For prom king this year we have.. Drum roll please... Harry Styles!" There was the sound of clapping as I walked up on stage to receive my sash and crown. I flashed a smile, but I wasn't happy. I didn't want to be prom king. I wanted to be normal. And a loser. I smiled to myself. I wanted to be Sophie's. A minute later Sarah was announced queen and we had our first dance of the night. I danced around kind of shuffling my feet. I couldn't wait for this song to be over. An agonizing three minutes later it was over and the other people were beginning to dance. I told Sarah I wanted to grab something to drink and I would be back in a minute. She hardly noticed and continued on with her conversation. I walked over to the punch bowl and saw Sophie standing there picking at the edge of her cup.

"Hey." I said to her.

"Hey Prom King." She said examining my sash and crown.

"Oh yeah.." I said slipping them off of my head and from across my chest. I laid them on the table, knowing someone in the committee would fetch them. "You enjoying yourself?" I asked her.

"Yeah. I came here with Mark. But he's been dancing all night. So I guess I don't know." She said sighing.

"Hey, I have an idea. Let's take a walk around the courtyard for a minute. Get some fresh air."


Harry grabbed me by the hand and whisked me outside. The pale moon light was flooding over the carefully tended shrubbery. We walked around and the moonlight reflected off of my dress, making it look misty. We could hear the faint lyrics echoing from inside from the patio we were standing on. Harry held out his and and said,

"May I have this dance?" He took my hand into his and wrapped the other one around my waist and I put the other one around his neck. We danced around under the moon, allowing nothing but the bliss from our souls surround our minds. When the song was almost over Harry pulled me close to him and licked his lips.

"Sophie.." He said gazing deeply into my eyes. "Sophie, I love you." He closed the space between us and kissed me. It was a long, passionate kiss. A kiss that made headlines, and a kiss that stole your heart...

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