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✨Chapter Thirty-Eight: Rolex

Malak's POV

"I want him back by 8 o'clock" River said

"Yeah whatever" I said grabbing my sons bag from her and slinging it over my shoulder

A/N: his sons name is Marcus Bleu 😇

I walked to the car and strapped Marcus in one of the twins car seats

Imma be home in a little bit

Okay. What's his name?

Marcus Bleu

Awe. I can't wait to meet him

I know babe, I'll let you know when I'm near the house

Okay. I love you

I love you too

I put my phone down and started up the car so I could get home to Summer and the twins so they can meet their brother from another mother

A/N: how y'all think the twins gonna react?

Summer's POV

"Daddy!" I heard the twins say from the kitchen making me turn the stove off and walk into the living room to see Marcus and the twins just staring at him

"Daddy, who's he?" Jordan said

A/N: Jordan is the straightforward twin, Julian is the nice twin

"That's your brother, Marcus" I said

"Where did he come from mommy?" Jordan said looking at me

"He came from his mommy, just like you two. Now be nice...Jordan or you can't go to the park later" I said

"Alright. I'm Jordan" Jordan said looking at Marcus

"Hi" Marcus said

"Do you wanna play the new race car game with me in my room" Julian said

Marcus nodded his head and they both ran up the stairs going to Julian's room

"Mommy is he gonna be living with us" Jordan said making Malak look at him

"Uh no son, he lives with his mommy but he's your brother so he's gonna be spending time over here a lot" Malak said bending down the Jordan's height

"So you don't love mommy anymore" Jordan asked

"No. I love mommy very much, I just want you and Julian to get used to your brother being around more since your gonna be seeing him a lot" Malak said

"Okay" Jordan said running up the stairs

"They'll get used to him being around" Malak said

"And what if they don't, I don't wanna force Jordan to like his newly found brother or step-brother whatever you wanna call it" I said rubbing my hands on the apron around my waist

"I don't wanna force Jordan to do it either, I just want all of them to feel comfortable around each other and that they know that they don't have to fight each other to know that I'm their father and I'll love them all equally" Malak said grabbing my hand

I looked down because I don't want any of that for our boys either, I don't want them to think that their own father loves another child more than he loves them

"I'm gonna finish cooking, is Marcus staying for dinner because if he is I can cook him something" I said

"Yeah, I'll take him home after he eats" Malak said

"Okay" I said walking towards the kitchen so I can finish the dinner

A/N: Marcus is older than the twins by four months

Your POV

"Mommy, can I have some ice cream" Kristina said

"Me too" Kamari said

"After dinner" I said

"Okay" they said running off

Kristina's become more comfortable around her brother and I, she's not as nervous or shy as she was before and I'm glad even if it took her a while to adjust to what's been happening

"Hey babe" Teo said kissing my cheek

"Hey" I said smiling

"What you cooking" he said tryna look in the pot but I swatted his hand away

"I'm cooking dinner now move your hand" I said

"Ouch, you ain't have to hit me tho" he said pouting

"Don't be such a baby" I said kissing his lips

"I'm not being a baby, now what are we having" he said

"Well the twins are having chicken fingers and fries, were having pasta" I said

"Pasta, thank you cuz I'm starving" he said rubbing his stomach

I laughed before finishing up the pasta

"Can you call the twins down, their food is ready" I said putting their plates on the table

"Yeah sure" he said walking towards the steps

Within minutes the twins came downstairs running into the dining room

"Y'all be careful with all that running" I said

"Sorry mommy" they said at the same time making me laugh their so in sync sometimes that they don't even notice it

"Here you go baby" I said placing Teo's pasta in front of him

"Thanks baby" Teo said kissing my cheek

"You guys want juice" I said to the twins

"Yes" they said once again nodding their heads

I went into the kitchen grabbing two cups and poured them their juice giving it to them, taking a seat next to Teo so I could eat my pasta. In the middle of dinner Lucas texted me so I grabbed my phone from my pocket and read the message

You busy?

Yeah, I'm in the middle of dinner with Teo and the twins

Oh, I'll text you later then


"Who was that?" Teo asked looking at me

"Lucas" I said

"Oh okay, what did he want?" Teo asked

"He just asked if I was busy, ya know the usual" I said

"Oh alright" Teo said

Lucas's POV

"So what you saying is that you love my sister" Will said

"Yeah man, I just told you that" I said

"Awe, Yn and lucas sitting in a tree F-U-C-K-I-N-G. First comes love then comes marriage, here comes lucas with the baby carriage" Dillyn said making will laugh

"Shut the hell up" I said hitting Dillyn with a pillow

"Aye cool it, does Yn know?" Will said

I shook my head no because it was true, she doesn't know that I'm in love with her

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