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✨Chapter Thirty-Three: can't help but wait

Jaden's POV

I know y'all ain't hear from me in a while but I heard that Sevyn going out with some dude named Trill Sammy like who in the hell is that. She be posting shit about him and he posting shit about her, I ain't jealous because if u wanted her I would still be with her, but imma text her so I can pick up Isaiah today

Can I come get Isaiah today? 🤔

Yeah sure

Alright imma be over there by 12 so make sure he's ready

I will


I grabbed my jacket leaving the house since it was already 11:40 and I need to pick up Isaiah in a few minutes so his momma wouldn't snap on me. Once I pulled up to Sevyn's house I knocked on the door and that nigga Sammy answered the door.

"Oh wassup" he said standing by the door

"Where's Isaiah at? I'm supposed to be picking him up" I said

"Oh she took him to his grandmothers house for the weekend" he said

"Okay tell her I stopped by" I said leaving and heading home

A/N: drama on the rise 😘

Sevyn's POV

"Who was at the door" I said coming out of the kitchen

"Nobody babe" Sammy said smiling at me

"Okay, because Isaiah is upstairs and Jaden is supposed to be coming to get him" I said

"Maybe Jaden forgot" Sammy said

I sighed deeply, how can he ask to pick up his son and not show up

"Maybe he did" I said

After a few minutes Isaiah came down the stairs with his bag

"Is dad coming?" He said standing on the stairs

"Sorry, but no dad isn't coming today" I said

"Okay" Isaiah said walking back upstairs with his bag

I sighed deeply and called Jaden's phone after the third ring he answered

"Hello" he said


"Woah! Woah! Woah, I was there and your boyfriend answered the door I asked him if Zay was there and he said that you took him to your moms house" he said

I sighed deeply before I spoke again

"I'll call you back" I said hanging up

I walked over to the couch where Sammy was sitting and snatched the controller out of his hands ending the basketball game he was playing

"Hey! What'd you do that for I was about to win" Sammy said looking at me

"I wanna know the truth" I said

"About what" he said

"You know Isaiah has been wanting to see his father for weeks now and I can't believe you would tell his father that I took him somewhere else, why did you do it?" I asked

"Freshman year" he said

"What?" I said confused

"It was freshman year, I was in love with you since 4th grade that same year during our freshman year I was gonna ask you to be my girlfriend but by the time I was gonna ask I found out that you and Jaden had just started dating. I loved you Amber and I never wanted to accept the fact that I kept losing you to Jaden and I never wanted that to happen again until I found out that you were having his baby" he said

"I'm sorry Sammy I never knew you liked me and I guess I never noticed you back then" I said

"Oh cut the bullshit, you wanted Jaden and that's all you've ever wanted. You never wanted me! I asked you to be my date to the junior prom and what did you say 'sorry Sammy but Jaden already asked me'" he said becoming angry

"I never meant to hurt you Sammy but we're together now isn't that was you've always wanted" I said

"Yeah but it can't happen because of that stupid ass kid! Jaden is always gonna be attached to you" Sammy said throwing the vase at the wall breaking it

"O-Okay calm down please" I said

"No!" Sammy said breaking more stuff

"Mommy" Zay said coming down the stairs

"G-Go upstairs Zay mommy's Okay" I said

Zay looked at me with tears in his eyes running up the stairs to his room, moments later I heard his door close

Jaden's POV

I looked at my phone and saw that I was getting a FaceTime call from Zay since he has a tablet

FaceTiming son👦🏽...

"Hey Zay" I said

"D-Daddy, mommy's in trouble" Zay said as I heard stuff breaking in the background

"What's going on?" I said getting ready to put my sneaks on

"Sammy...he's yelling at mommy and throwing stuff" Zay said crying

"Alright. Stay in your room and lock the door, I want you to FaceTime your auntie Yn and Uncle Teo. I want you to tell them to call the cops" I said

"Okay, I'll try" Zay said

"I'm coming to get you and mommy. Don't leave the room okay" I said

"Okay daddy, hurry please" Zay said

"I will son" I said ending the call

I put my shoes on grabbing my keys and running outside to my car

Your POV

I looked at my phone and saw that I was getting a FaceTime call from Zay

FaceTiming nephew Zay👦🏽...

"Auntie Yn! Uncle Teo! Call the police" Zay said

"What's going on Zay" Teo said flopping down on the bed

"Sammy...he's breaking stuff and yelling at mommy, daddy said he's coming. Can you call police, I don't want mommy to get hurt" Zay said

"Alright Zay. Just stay in your room we'll call the police" I said

Sevyn's POV

He held my neck as my feet were being lifted off the floor, I could barely breathe and my vision was starting to fade in and out

"PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" The police said barging in behind Jaden

I dropped to the floor holding my throat

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