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✨Chapter Twenty-Six: The race

Your POV (2 months later)

"Da. Da" Mari said trying to run into Kyree's arms

"Hey little man" Kyree said picking up Kamari

"So we have a guest room at our house, you can stay there for a few days just until you get back on your feet" I said holding Kamari's diaper bag

"It's fine. I'm gonna be staying at my mommas house for two days and then imma get my own place. You and Teo need y'all space" Kyree said while holding Kamari's hand

"I'm just making sure you okay" I said

"I'm good...you don't have to check up on me, I should be the one checking up on you and Mari" Kyree said

"Alright" I said

"Can I keep Kamari for a few days just so I can get to know him a little bit more" Kyree asked

"Of course you can...he's not just my son long as you don't have no hoes around him then we're good to go" I said

"I won't, I promise but I'm gonna get going to my moms house you can drop him off in an hour" Kyree said kissing my cheek and kissing Kamari's forehead

Kyree's POV

"Hey momma" I said closing the door behind me

"Ariana's here and she has some news for you" my mom said folding her arms

A/N: if y'all don't remember her she was in book 1

"Okay. Where is she?" I asked putting my coat down

"She's in your room" my mom said

"Okay" I said walking upstairs to my room

Once I got there I saw Ariana and she was holding a baby

"Uh hey" I said

"Hey. Would you like to meet your daughter" she said looking at me

"That ain't my daughter" I said

"Yes she is" she said

"How old is she" I asked

"She's two months old" she said

A/N: 2 months 😂😂😂

"Mhmm...yeah that ain't my daughter and I know she ain't my daughter because I was in jail 2 months ago" I said

"Did I say 2 months...I meant 6" she said

"Just leave and take your daughter with you I don't know why you gonna try and pin that baby on me are you crazy" I said

"I see you and Yn aren't together. How's the baby?" She asked smirking

"My son don't got nothing to do with you so get the hell outta here and take your daughter with you" I said

"Fine I'll leave now, but I'll be back" she said leaving

I flopped down on the bed grabbing my phone seeing that I got a text from Yn

I'll be there in a few minutes to drop Kamari off

Aight. I'll be here


Mateo's POV

"Why you got Kamari's bag packed?" I asked sitting on the edge of the bed

"Cuz he's going to be with Kyree for about two days" she said zipping his bag up

"Oh. Okay and where is Kyree staying" I asked

"At his moms house. Kamari will be fine I already told Kyree I don't want no hoes around my son" she said

"Alright. Be careful baby, call me if anything happens" I said kissing her cheek

"I will. Say bye to Teo Mari" she said

"Bwe (bye) tweo (Teo)" Kamari said waving at me

"Later little man" I said waving back at him

I watched as Yn grabbed his diaper bag picking him up off the bed and walking out of our bedroom. I really love that girl I swear I do

Lucas's POV

"I don't even know why you still got her number, your not her boyfriend your mines" amber said

I swear to god all she do is fucking irk me like yesterday me and Dillyn went out with will to a party. I only had one drink and came back home so I could rest, I couldn't even do that without her thinking I'm cheating on her

"Are you cheating on me?" Amber asked

I rubbed my temples cuz I'm bout to snap on her

"We not together no more" I said

"What" amber asked like she was stupid

"I said we ain't together no more. I tried being with you cuz you the mother of my child but I can't even go anywhere without you thinking that I'm cheating on you, like damn what I do to deserve this type of shit from you. I ain't been nothing but loyal and giving you all the love I can but that just don't seem to please you at all" I said grabbing my jacket and my phone walking out

"Wait baby don't leave me I'm sorry" amber said trying to grab my arm

I yanked my arm away and turned towards her staring her right in her face

"I'll stop by tomorrow to pick up my son, don't try no funny shit either or imma call the courts on yo ass. Don't expect us to be together again cuz you acting like a damn fool" I said finally walking away to my car

Imma text Yn cuz I'm bored and I wanna know how my nephew doing cuz I ain't seen him in a couple months


I'm at Kyree moms house, I had to drop Kamari off for a couple of days

Oh. FaceTime me when you done I gotta tell you something

What about?


Here we go again with this bitch but alright imma call you when I'm done


I slipped my phone into my pocket heading home. I'm finally free from that bitch cuz she wouldn't stop messing wit me and I was tryna make it work but imma text my bros

I just broke up wit amber y'all

Bout time

Yup. I knew you was tired of her clingy ass

I was. She gonna try and accuse me of cheating on her earlier

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