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✨Chapter Thirteen: band-aid

Mateo's POV

"So you can sleep in this room" I said showing her the guest room

"Thank you so much Teo" she said hugging me

I hugged her back, I just wish that she was herself and not 'Daniella'

"Teo" She said above a whisper

"Yeah" I said turning towards her

"Can you tell me some more stuff about me, like I wanna know what I was like" she said

I sat on the bed next to her

"Well you were funny, smart, feisty when you wanted to be" I said

"How did we meet" she asked

A/N: kinda forgot how they met so bare with me

"Well I met you through my cousin Keisha who's one of your friends. We met in high school, you showed me around a little bit and at first you didn't want to be friends with me" I said

"Why not? Your so cute and nice" she said making me smile

"I never really knew why you didn't want to be my friend, but after a while you gave me a chance and we became friends. We even went out a couple of times" I said

"So you were my boyfriend" she said

"Yeah" I said rubbing the back of my neck

"Oh okay...can you tell me anything else" she said

"Yeah. You dated a couple of guys named: Lucas, Kyree, Trey and chresanto" I said

"What were they like" she asked

"Well they were all different towards you. Um you were getting abused by your boyfriend Chresanto, he's the one that put you in the hospital" I said

"How long was i asleep" she asked

"Four months" I said

"Oh...I'm tired now" she said yawning

"Alright. You can sleep, our friends will be over in a little bit so get some rest" I said standing up getting ready to leave

"Wait" she said grabbing my wrist

"Yeah" I said

"Can you stay with me, I'm afraid crescent will come back" she said

I chuckled and nodded

"His name is chresanto, but call him Chres for short and yeah I'll lay with you" I said getting into the bed

A/N: watch this video below if you haven't it's really sad 😔

A/N: what's holding you back (in general) 🤔

Summer's POV

"Come on and get up Yn is at Mateo's house and we have to go help her get her memory back" I said jumping on Malak

"Alright, Alright, Alright I'm up now let me get ready" he said making me laugh

I hopped off of him and went to our closet so I could find some clothes

Keisha's POV

"Come on we have exactly four months left until these babies are born so let's start picking names" I said

"Aight. For the boy I want his name to be Aj" August said

"Mhmm. I want our daughters name to be Amari" I said

"That's fine with me long as I get my junior" August said buttoning up his shirt

"Where you going?" I asked raising my eyebrow

"Studio" August said

"Can I come?" I asked

"Yeah. Get dressed we leave in 15 minutes" August said walking out of the room

Sevyn's POV

"Ms.Streeter you and your son have both been cleared of any sexually transmitted diseases that were given to you" the doctor said

"Thank you, now do we have to take any type of medication" I asked

"No. Your both fine just come in for a check up next week so we can do some further tests to see how everything is going with you and your son

"Okay" I said grabbing my bag and walking out and heading towards Jaden's house so I could pick up Isaiah

A/N: Sevyn isn't an artist yet but she makes her own music so yeah you'll see more of her in the studio in the next couple of chapters

Once I arrived at his house I knocked on the door and he answered

"Hey baby" Jaden said trying to kiss my cheek but I dodged it

"I ain't yo baby and I'm here for my son" I said crossing my arms

"Listen I'm sorry about what happened this weekend. I didn't mean to put you through any of that and I just want you to know that I'm truly sorry and if you just wanna be friends I'll respect it, I'll be a father to Isaiah that's all" Jaden said

"Alright Jaden. Is Isaiah ready?" I asked

"Yeah. Here's his bag" Jaden said handing me Isaiah's bag

"Thanks" I said taking the bag

"Zay! Mommy's here to get you" Jaden said yelling up the stairs

Within a few minutes Isaiah came running down the steps and hugged my legs

"Mommy" Zay said

"Hi baby. Did you have fun with daddy" I asked bending down to his level

"Yes. We ate ice cream, played 2k and watched movies" Zay said

"That's good. Go wait outside and wait on the steps for mommy" I said

"Okay" Zay said walking outside to the porch

I looked to make sure he was sitting there and he was

"Next time don't give him ice cream unless he eats real food before then" I said

"Alright I won't I was just tryna keep him from crying and shit" Jaden said

"Mhmm. Where Jr?" I asked

"At his mommas house for the weekend" Jaden said

"Ah Okay. Well I gotta get going I'll bring Zay over next weekend if you wanna see him" I said

"Of course you can bring him over tomorrow, I wanna see him any chance that I can" Jaden said making me smile

Even though we aren't together I still love him. He was my first love and I wouldn't want to be with anyone else but him

"I still love you Jaden" I said grabbing his hand

"Listen how about tomorrow if you aren't busy we could go out to eat somewhere" Jaden said grabbing my hand

"Yeah" I said smiling

Love Me NowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora