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✨Chapter Twenty-Eight: Stay

???'s POV

"Yup that bitch got her baby taken away because of me. I don't give a fuck though cuz I was doing it for me and Kyree" I said into the phone

"Girl Kyree don't want you and you know that" Ariana said

"Ariana shut the fuck up you just mad cuz he wasn't claiming your daughter" I said

"I don't care the baby Jaden's anyways" Ariana said

"Damn. Sevyn know?" I said

"So what you gonna do Kelli, and no she don't know he told me not to say anything cuz he just got her back but I was the one who gave that nigga AIDs and HIV" Ariana said

A/N: damn that's fucked up

"You bold for that move" I said

"Shut up you can't be talking you got Kyree baby taken away from him and you feel proud about it" Ariana said

"You damn right I do" I said

Your POV

I couldn't do nothing but cry because I just lost my baby in a courtroom, I wanna blame Kyree but I haven't asked him what happened yet and I think that's what I'm gonna do

What happened the other day?

Uh nun happened

Then why did that lady take Kamari away from me

Okay so I invited Kelli over the weekend that Kamari was there, I was only in the bathroom for a couple minutes and next thing I know I come downstairs to see Kamari crying on the couch and Kelli with the iron in her hand. I asked her what happened and she said that he wasn't trying to listen to her so she burned him with the iron

You let that bitch burn MY fucking son with a iron. He's your fucking son too and YOU gonna let some dirty ass bitch do this. We got OUR son taken because of her, I hate you and I can't believe you let this happen.

I stopped texting him throwing my phone at the wall not caring if it breaks or not

"Babe you okay?" Teo asked

"He let her hurt our baby" I said crying into his chest

"What's wrong? What do you mean?" Teo asked

"Kyree let K-Kelli burn K-Kamari with a iron because H-He wouldn't listen to her" I said crying even more

After a while my phone started ringing and it was Kyree, I looked at the call and just let it ring after the third ring Mateo grabbed the phone answering it putting it on speaker

"What you want?" Mateo asked

"Where's Yn? I need to talk to her" Kyree said

"Why do you care" Mateo asked

"Cuz that's the mother of my child, we supposed to be going through this together" Kyree said

"Listen she don't wanna speak to you, you've already hurt her enough by letting some girl put her hands on y'all child" Mateo said

"Listen just give the phone to her, I didn't call to speak to you I called to speak to her this don't got nothing to do with you" Kyree said

After a while Mateo didn't say anything he just hung up handing my phone back to me. I didn't know what to say so I just grabbed my phone from him sitting it in my lap until Kyree's name flashed across my screen.

FaceTiming Kyree🌼...

"What you still calling my girl for" Mateo said getting into the camera

"Babe, I got this...it's between me and him. I can handle it" I said

"Aight. If you need me imma be in the bathroom" mateo said leaving the room

I grabbed my headphones plugging them in and continuing the conversation

"So what do you wanna talk about" I said looking at him

"Listen, I just wanted to let you know that the lady said we're allowed to have visitation with Kamari" Kyree said

"Why didn't you tell me that through text, you don't have to call my phone trying to argue with Teo he already made it clear that he ain't never gonna try and come between you and Kamari cuz your Kamari's father not him so until then we're only here to discuss things that have to do with Kamari because I don't know why your acting the way you are but it needs to stop" I said hanging up and putting my phone on the charger

After a while Mateo came back into the room sitting on the edge of the bed pulling me towards him

"I love you and Kamari very much and if it makes you feel better I'll attend the visitations if that makes you more comfortable" Teo said

"I'd love that, we have a visitation in a few minutes" I said

"Alright. I'm gonna get dressed and then we can leave out" Mateo said going into the bathroom

"Okay" I said finding something to wear

Once I was done I put on some lipstick and waited for Mateo

Summer's POV

"Thank god your gonna be off soon" I said laying on the bed

Malak has three more games before he gets a break so I can have my baby to myself

"I know I miss being around you and the boys" Malak said kissing my lips

"I love you and the boys can't wait to spend time with they daddy" I said

"Well in that case can I bring them to practice with me" Malak asked

I stared at him for a moment thinking about it then I nodded my head

"I mean I need to get my nails done anyway" I said looking at my nails

"You need money" Malak said digging around in his pockets

"No baby I'm fine I have my own money, you just spend time with the boys and I'll see y'all when I get home" I said kissing Malak's cheek

"Alright. Be safe" Malak said

"I will" I said

After Malak left I started getting ready so I wouldn't miss my appointment

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