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✨Chapter Twenty-Nine: trust and believe

Malak's POV

You finished baby?


Let me see them



MeThey're beautiful baby

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They're beautiful baby

Thank you baby

Imma see you when I come home. I love you

I love you too, tell the twins I love them too

I will

Your POV

"What's this" i said pointing at a drawing that Kamari made

"It's a pwicture (picture) of me, you and tweo (Teo)" Kamari said

"And who's that standing outside the house" I said pointing at the person

"That's daddy" Kamari said

After a few minutes a lady came into the room letting me, Kyree and Teo know it was time for us to leave

"That's great baby. Uh mommy, daddy and Teo have to go" I said

"Where you gwo (go)" Kamari asked

"We have to go home" I said

"Can I cwome (come)" Kamari asked

"In a little while you'll be able to. I love you baby" I said kissing his cheek

"I wove (love) you too mommy"'Kamari said kissing my cheek

"Later little man" Kyree said to Kamari

"Bwye (bye) daddy" Kamari said

"I'll see you soon" Teo said

"Bwye (bye) tweo (Teo)" Kamari said

I walked out of the room trying not to cry, I don't know how long I'm gonna be able to keep sharing two hours with Kamari every week, I just want him to come home with us because I miss him so much

Sevyn's POV

"Who's this Jaden and why is she asking you about some baby" I said

"Listen..." Jaden said

"I'm listening now speak" I said

"I have another baby, I didn't tell you because I knew you'd flip out and you wouldn't let me see Isaiah anymore" Jaden said

"Who's the girl and how old is the baby" I said

"Ariana and the baby is 4 months" Jaden said

I grabbed the closest thing to me which was the vase and I threw it towards him making him duck and the vase shatter once it hit the wall

"Was she at our house" I said calmly

"No. I never brung her here when Isaiah was here" Jaden said

"So she was here...just get out I can't believe you brung her here and y'all had sex in our bed, you can see Isaiah on the weekends but I don't want you near me" I said walking away from him

"Baby wait, please don't do this I love you" Jaden said holding onto my waist keeping me from going upstairs

"No Jaden! You don't love me because if you did you wouldn't have slept with her in our home, our bed. This is over! We're done...I don't wanna see you anymore" I said pushing him off of me

I walked away to our bedroom grabbing my phone and texting Trill Sammy...he knew that me and Jaden we're together and he still liked me


Wassup, you cool 😎

Me and Jaden broke up, he's been cheating on me for 4 months with some girl we used to hang out with and they have a daughter together

Damn that's fucked up, you want me to come over or something

Later, I have to pick up Isaiah from daycare in a few minutes

That's cool imma wait for you, I wanna see little man anyways

You don't care that I have a son

Of course not

Thanks 😊, I'll let you know when he's here


I smiled to myself and put some shoes on so I could pick up Isaiah from daycare before his dad leaves here

Keisha's POV

"Where you going with my son?" I said looking at August

"OUR son and I'm taking him to basketball game" August said

"Alright. Be careful out there, imma take Amari with me since I'm going to see the girls" I said

"Alright, I guess we'll see each other when we get home" August said kissing my cheek

I smiled and kissed August Jr's cheek while August kissed Amari's cheek. I walked outside to my car and strapped Amari in her car seat and locking the door, I got into my side of the car and but my seatbelt on locking the door. Once I started the car up I texted Yn

You wanna come to the nail salon with me and Amari?

Yeah imma be there in a few minutes, which one you going to?

The one on 30th and Preston street

Aight let me get ready


I put my phone down and started up the car heading to the nail salon

Your POV

"Where you going baby?" Mateo asked

"I'm going to get my nails done with Keisha" I said

He rolled his eyes and then stared at me

"Tell my cousin I said wassup and to call me later, I wanna see my niece and nephew" Mateo said

"Alright, I'll tell her when I see her and how did you know she had the babies" I said

"Because you told me" Mateo said

"Oh right...well I'm gonna be leaving" I said putting my shoes on

"Alright be safe, watch out for strangers" Mateo said kissing my cheek

I smiled and started leaving with my stuff until Mateo pulled me back into his lap

"What" I said whining

"I just wanted another kiss that's all" mateo said pulling me into him for a kiss

"Alright I gotta go now" I said getting out of his lap and leaving

Wya Girl?

I'm leaving now Mateo was being all extra

Mhmm. You got some didn't you

😂😂 no, but he said that he wants you to call him later and that he wants to see his niece and nephew

You told him

Yeah. I know you still hate him but that's your cousin at the end of the day

I know that, don't remind me

Love Me NowDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora