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✨Chapter Eleven: be alright

Mateo's POV (day 4~ the Bahamas)

I don't care what anyone else says, I know somethings wrong with Yn she just doesn't want to tell anyone but I'll find out...before it's too late hopefully

Your POV

I was huddled up into a ball as he continued to kick me in my stomach over and over again because we had went shopping and a guy helped carry all of my bags to the car Chres saw and let me know what would be happening when we arrived at the hotel

After he stopped kicking me in my stomach he walked out of our hotel room and I tried to get up off the floor rushing to the bathroom and spitting out blood. I then grabbed my phone and texted the girls telling them to come to my room and to bring the guys. I sat down on the bed and waited on them after about twenty minutes there was a knock on the door. I opened the door and let them all come into
the hotel room.

"Are you okay girl, what happened to you" Summer said rushing over to me hugging me

"Ssss Owe" I said holding my side

"Did he hit you sis" chris said

I looked at him and then looked away wiping my tears

"How long has he been doing this sis" chris said pulling me into a hug

"He's been d-doing it since that day when he gripped my arm" I said sobbing

"What else did he do to you" chris said

"He deleted all of my contacts except the girls and my parents that's why I was never able to talk to you guys" I said

"Okay, continue" chris said

"And that same day when we went upstairs to our hotel room and told me that he didn't want to catch me talking to any of you or the pain would continue to get worse" I said

"Show me the bruises" chris said

I showed him the one that was on my arm, I then lifted up my shirt and showed him the bruises that were on my ribs I even showed him my eye which was forming a bruise from when he punched me in my eye last night

"Let me kill him" Chris said

"N-No Chris you have a music career and you have royalty, I don't want you to do anything that'll ruin anything like that" I said

"Alright but pack your clothes because your staying in my room. I ain't gonna let him hurt you no more" Chris said pulling me into a hug

I just cried my eyes out while the girls began to pack my stuff up. After a few moments Chres came into the room and just stared at me then looked at everyone else.

"Hey baby, you didn't tell me you were having company" Chres said looking at me

"She can have whoever she wants as company" summer said

"Aye mind your business this is between me and my girlfriend" Chres said pointing at summer

"Aye man don't be pointing at my girlfriend" Malak said

"Shut the fuck up! Y'all ain't nothing but pussy niggas" Chres said

"Well ya girlfriend leaving you" Chris said

"But she ain't tho" Chres said pulling out a gun pointing it at all of us

I was crying like crazy, I hope he isn't going to shoot me or anyone else

"Now your all gonna get the fuck out of our hotel room and your gonna leave me and Yn alone! I told her she's mines and she ain't gonna be with nobody else but me!" Chres said

"Nigga you ain't the only one who got guns and shit" Lucas said pulling out a gun and pointing it at Chres

I looked between the two and just continued crying while the girls put my bags on the bed

"Alright, y'all got ten minutes to get the fuck out or I'm gonna start blowing y'all fucking brains out" Chres said cocking the gun back

I stood up and walked towards Chres

"B-Baby I'll come with you just don't h-hurt them" I said taking the gun from him

He dropped down holding onto my waist while he cried. I knew this would be a risky move, but I pushed him off of me and he fell to the floor. He looked at me and then I shot him in his leg

"Ahh" Chres screamed as he held his leg so he could try and stop the bleeding

"Now I want you to pack all of your fucking bags and get the hell out of here" I said pointing the gun at him

"B-Baby don't do this. I love you and you love me" Chres said grabbing my hand

I was so distracted that he grabbed the gun then




Lucas's POV

I watched as she fell to the ground, I picked her up off the ground and tried to keep her alive. I never thought this would happen to her

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