46 - Paranoia In The Pencil Marks

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(~~~ Refers to a time-skip [normally that of a short one] that can range from a few minutes to several hours. These time-skips will NOT last more than a day unless otherwise is mentioned within the use of punctuation.)

(Song Recommendation: None.)

Link took a step back, lifting his hand to shakily brush his fingertips over his parted lips. "S-Sean, how long have you been in the shower for...?" He asked anxiously. "... Maybe twenty minutes...? Why do you ask?" Vulture yawned, turning off the water with a weak sigh of relief. "Can you pass me a towel?" He pushed one of his hands out of the shower, not daring to push any further than his wrist. "... S-Sure..." Link took a towel and placed it into the taller male's grasp. His hands were trembling and scarred with the faint scent and pale sight of washed up blood.

"... You seem scared." Link stated, biting his lip. "I'm fine, Link... Can you just give me a second?" Vulture grunted, pushing a hand through his hair as the steam began to clean up. Link pulled off his shoes and socks and pulled up his leggings by the slightest bit before pulling open the shower door and stepping into the warm and wet puddles of fresh blood. He looked up at Vulture who refused to make eye contact with him, staring at empty shampoo bottles and overturned razor blades. "... Sean... Do you think I'm upset with you?"

"I'd assume that you're angry with me..."

"... I have no reason to be angry with you."

"Don't act sympathetic just because I slit my wrists and you caught me and now I look all depressed. It isn't the first time..." The taller male grunted, touching each cut and hissing in pain. "... Then I assume it's the second time...? After Red caught you in the penthouse trying to hang yourself-" Link was cut off by Vulture collapsing on his knees, covering his face.

"W-Why did she tell you that...?" Vulture sniffled, tears running down his bright red cheeks.

"Because she wants me to keep you safe... She wants me to take care of you... And I'm going to."

"What? Up until this Friday?" The gang leader sniggered fakely as he spoke. "Stop focusing on Friday. You need to focus on now and now, I'm with you." Link pulled Vulture's hands away from him and lifted his face to wipe away his tears, despite the soaking of his jeans in the crimson liquid dispersing through the shower water.

Vulture nodded, sniffing a few more times. "I hate it when you have to see me like this..."

"Why? Because it isn't like you to cry?"

"... W-Well, yeah..."

"Sean, you can't just hold in tears... It'll build up and break you down and then when you really do let it all out, nobody is there to comfort you..." Link cupped his cheeks and his voice sunk into a whisper as he pressed their lips together to calm him. "... You're just trying to scare me." Vulture threw out a brash chuckle, pulling himself up to his feet after he daintily pulled away. "I'm not trying to scare you. It's more like a warning and a worry." The teen sighed with a shake of his head.

"... A warn-ry?" The gang leader tilted his head as he sniggered.

"Shut up, Venus and get some clothes on."


"How are you feeling?" Red asked as Vulture lay back with his cat purring and sprawling out across his naked chest. "... Really tired... But not tired... More like, tired of being sad..." The taller male yawned exasperatedly as he spoke, petting the warm animal sat on him. Ivory continued purring before mewing and tapping him several times. "Hm... Guess we'll have to make you some food in a bit, yeah?" He smiled and lifted up Ivory to nudge their noses together. Red shook her head with a chuckle as Link stepped into the room holding a small tray. "You had quite a few teabag tins... So I just took one from the grey tin." He giggled nervously as he glanced over to Red. "Ah, perfect... I could really go for an earl grey tea right now... You know your ways around tea now, I see?" Red grinned, taking her drink from the tray.

High [Boy X Boy]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora