The engines whirred louder and louder until the plane started to move. It started kind of slow, but got fast really quick. You grabbed the nearest thing to you for support, Which just so happened to be Ethan's hand. Oops.

You were embarrassed, but you didn't let go. You squeezed your eyes shut right as you felt the plane being lifted off the ground.

After a few seconds, You slowly opened your eyes and looked out the window. Wow. LA was so tiny from way up here. You could see the tiny cars driving on the tiny roads next to the tiny buildings and houses. They're like little ants!

Then you realized you were still holding Ethan's hand. You quickly let go and looked at him. "Um.. Sorry." You said. "I get nervous taking off."

Ethan smiled, and a light pink blush crept on his face. "It's okay. It's- You're fine!" He looked away in embarrassment. "Way to go, Ethan." He thought. Ethan put his headphones on, and plugged them into his phone. He started watching some sort of TV show.

You smiled at him.
Amy exchanged looks with you. She gave you a surprised look, which morphed into a smirk. You frowned at her, because you knew what she was thinking. "NO." You whispered to her.

Ethan was totally distracted by whatever he was watching and couldn't hear you.

"You like him, don't you!" Amy whispered.

"No! I-" You were interrupted by a flight attendant walking by.
She handed you something. A small bag of peanuts. She handed one to Ethan and Amy too. Ethan, distracted, took the bag.

As soon as he touched it, he dropped it in shock.
"Oh no.." He muttered.
His hands started to break out in a rash, and he tried to reach for his backpack, which was underneath the seat. He couldn't. Amy, panicking, alerted the flight attendant about his allergy.

"Epi..Pen.." He wheezed.

Oh no. He must be going into anaphylactic shock! He is severely allergic to peanuts. You grabbed his backpack out from under the seat.

"It's..It's in the front pocket." He told you. You quickly unzipped the front pocket and spotted an epi pen. You skimmed through the instructions on the epi pen. Okay, can't be too hard, right?

You opened up the top of the epipen, pulled off the activation cap, and stabbed him in the thigh. You held it there for a few seconds, then pulled it out. Your hands were shaking. "Are-Are you okay?" You ask.

Ethan takes a deep breath. "Yeah. I'm alright."

The flight attendant starts profusely apologizing to Ethan. He reassures her, telling her it was his fault for not paying attention.

You were still shaky from the incident. Ethan looks over at you. "Are YOU okay?" He asks.

"Me? Yeah.. Just.. Sorry about stabbing you in the leg. Well, not sorry for stabbing you, It probably saved you. I'm sorry for hurting you." You say.

"No, it's fine. I'm used to it. Not the first time it's happened." He gives you a silly grin.

"I should've warned you about the peanuts.." Amy said.

"This isn't your fault, Amy. I was the one who wasn't paying attention." Ethan said.

Amy smiled.

When the attendant walked away, Mark looked over at Ethan, worried. "Are you okay Ethan? What happened? I couldnt see because the attendant was in my way. I heard you say something about an epi pen though." Mark stammered.

"I had a reaction to peanuts, and (Y/n) here jabbed the needle into my flesh and made me better." Ethan replied.

"You had a reaction? Are you alright?" Mark Asked.

"Yeah. All thanks to (Y/n)!" Ethan said.

Mark gave you THAT look again. The smirk.

You rolled your eyes. Ethan noticed Mark this time. "What?" He asked. You didn't answer. "What??" Ethan asked. Mark laughed.

You spent a lot of the rest of your flight looking out the window, And/Or talking to Ethan.

Then an announcement came on over the intercom.

"Ladies and gentlemen.. I hope you realize that you are not on a normal flight.."

Those terrifying words made your heart drop.

A/N Oh no! looks like I've left you hanging!

Also just wanted to say the inspiration for this chapter is that my Dad is travelling to a different country right now, and I have also been on MANY planes. The epi pen part was also inspired by my Dad who has a bamboo allergy and I have had to epi pen him before. >.<

Aaandd obviously I got the idea for the whole Pax thing cause Pax East is super soon. I wish I could go. Maybe next time. :P

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