The Wedding of Luke and Jocelyn

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"Karen doesn't like girls prettier than her." Clary smiled as Jace helped her up.

Jace led her to their room and helped her into her dress that was a little tight because she wasn't planning on getting pregnant when she bought it. Her baby bumb showed and Clary was embarrassed since some of her mom's friends who were Clary's teachers were going to the wedding.

Isabelle came in and put some concealer and foundation to try and hide the scars on her face. After Clary did her own hair she went to visit her mom in the room next door.


Jocelyn turned around and smiled at her daughter, she was stunning. "Mom you look beautiful!"

"Not as beautiful as you though." Jocelyn hugged her daughter and smiled.

"Why did your brother have to break you?"

Clary flinched at the words. Jocelyn put her hand over her mouth shocked of what she just said. "Clary I am sorry." Clary smiled.

"It's fine mom promise. Let's walk you down the aisle" Her mom smiled and nodded.


Jocelyn and Luke had a normal wedding and during the reception Clary's art teacher, Mrs. Smith, who was best friends with Jocelyn came up to her and Jace. "Clary! Why didn't you come back this year?"

"Things came up and I needed some time to myself."

"Who is this? I don't remember you being the dating type."

"This is Jace my fiancee"

Mrs. Smith went pale "fiancee?"

Jace smiled and stuck out his hand to shake the women's hand. "Jace Herondale"

Mrs. Smith faked smiled and shook Jace's hand "nice to meet you" She turned her attention to Clary "can I talk to you?"

"Sure Jace I will be right back"

"Clary is Jace abusive?"

Clary was taken back by the question "No why?"

"You have cuts on your face, your getting married to him and I can tell plain as day you are pregnant."

"I got the cuts after I fell on some broken glass, he asked me to marry him because he loves me and he will die if I ever left him, and I am not pregnant." Clary walked away to find her mom.

"Mom if Mrs. Smith asks about Jace being abusive say that I got the cuts on my face from falling on glass, we were made for each other, and that I am not pregnant."

Jocelyn nodded kissed a small scar on her nose and smiled 'a got it' kind of smile as Mrs. Smith started to walk towards her and Luke.

Jace found Clary through the crowd of wolves and mundanes all friends with Luke and Jocelyn. Stopping a few times to tell some of Clary's old high school friends that he is engaged. Clary smiled at him and began to walk over to him when Karen saw them and made her way to Jace and kissed him on lips. Clary stood there until Jace pushed her off of him. "I don't love you Karen I love Clary." He walked towards Clary and pulled her on the dance floor next to Simon and Izzy.

Soon it was time for dinner. Clary only ate some of the chicken and felt sick. She whispered to Jace "I need to go to the bathroom" showed him the Herondale dagger strapped to her leg and went calmly to the bathroom. Once reached the bathroom she ran and puked her dinner up and sat against the stall door. She quickly brushed her teeth. When she exited to go back to the reception hall she saw two demons who already spotted her. Clary immediately went for her dagger. She threw the dagger and it landed right dead in the center sending it back to what ever demonison. Before Clary could get another dagger the last demon was already on her. Then it was gone, Clary looked up and saw Alec, he was holding a seraph blade coated in slime, helped her up. She hugged him.


"No problem. Are you alright, did you get bite or anything."

"Nope the only thing not alright is my dress." Alec gave her his blazer to cover up the top and escorted her back to Jace.

"Clary are you alright? Why are you wearing Alec's blazzer?"

"I am fine and because I was attacked by a demon. Alec saved me though."

"Thanks Alec."

"No problem, I was on my way to the little shadowhunters room when I saw Clary being attacked."


Song: Sleeping with Sirens Oh my stomachs tied in knots

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