"Osher, Craig is here. Let Levi deal with the kids." Another man came out from the main house into the garden area where we were.

"Hey Levi, take care of the kids will you? Charge them any amount you want. They are rich brats after all. Don't mess their pretty faces though." Osher said as he left with the fat man and the new man who came to get him. We all visibly relaxed as the adults left us.

"Go home." We heard a boy's voice. We all turned to face the boy whom Osher called "Levi". He had been there all along but in Osher's presence we didn't dare look anywhere else.

I looked at the boy with ash brown hair, oversized grey t-shirt and blue jeans with many stains. I knew this boy. He was my neighbor. He moved in with his mother to the dumpster of a house next to us last summer. Since then, whenever I saw this boy, he was always wearing the same clothes. He probably likes the clothes very much. The t-shirt has some holes on them. Perhaps it was fashion. My aunt wears a top with many holes in them that shows the skin. She says it's fashion.

I don't like the boy's cold eyes. They look like clouds on a stormy day. He was probably as weird as his mother. I could hear her screaming and banging things even at night. Many men visit her house at night. That woman was always banging and crashing things. My dad even reported him and his mum to the police. But the police didn't put them in jail and sent them home again. Dad was upset that his mum didn't go to jail. He didn't say anything about this boy but obviously he had done something very wrong for the police to take him with his mother.

He was older than us and taller than us but the four of us together could put him in his place if we had to fight him. I looked at my three friends. Edward had stopped crying, now that he sensed the danger was less.

"Look, we don't want to owe anything to Osher. He asked you to fight didn't he? We aren't going back like cowards. We will finish what we started." I said with confidence this time. I am glad I knew what to say. Thanks to all the hero cartoons I've been watching. Yes, that sounded tough and cool. Well, I am the gang master after all. I had to be cool.

"So, what's your name? My name is Kyle." Kyle said in a timid voice and our coolness level dropped to zero.

"Kyle! Stupid, that's our enemy. You can't ask him his name." I hissed.

"Then..can I ask him his age?" He asked with big eyes. Well, okay his eyes look magnified because of his glasses. Kyle is really shy. But he really is a hopeless case.

"You just dragged down our coolness score Kyle." I snapped at him and his eyes watered.

"Boys don't cry." I snapped back, because I feared he would cry. Oh god! Being a gang leader is a real headache.

"My name is Leviathan and I am seven years old. Nice to meet you Kyle. What are your names?" The guy asked to my surprise. Is something wrong with him? We were the enemy. Why does he sound like he wanted to be friends with us? Did he say he was seven years old? We were five. So he is three years older than us. What a grandpa! His name also sounds German I think. I am sure it's not English.

"This is Elliot. I am Edward and this is Fabian." Edward said with a smile. Wait! What's wrong with this scene? I wondered as I glared at everyone.

"Alright..time out. I don't get what's happening here. You are our enemy. Not friend. Is that clear?" I asked the older boy.

He didn't nod or agree. He just looked at my friends.

"I don't care about you. I want to be friends with the boys." The boy said and my temper flared. I stomped over to him and grabbed the front of his t-shirt.

"I..am..a..boy and I am their gang leader. If I ask them not to be your friend, they won't be your friends." I told him.

He looked at them. Edward shrugged. "Ell is the strongest. So we do as Ell says." He said and I glared at the lame explanation. Betrayer! They do what I say because we are best friends too.

"Well, in that case, if I defeat her, will you be my friends?" He asked again, looking hopeful.

"Hey stupid, I am down here. Don't talk as if I am not here." I told him as I pulled the front of his t-shirt. He didn't look down at me though.

"I guess so." Kyle replied and I gasped as I turned to stare at them. Way to go for selling out your gang master! I glared up at the boy who finally looked down at me. So what if he was a head taller than me? I could take him down. I took down Kyle, Edward and Fabian too. They are the strongest in my kindergarten class.

"And if you lose you will eat cat poo." I said and gave an evil laugh. No one else laughed. Well, that's the worst I could come up with and I knew it was positively evil. Everyone was probably scared.

"I won't lose to a stupid girl." The guy said as he rolled his eyes at me.

That's it! He is definitely going to lose this time and eat cat poo. I ran away before he could grab me. He followed me. I glared after him. Because of his longer legs, he ran faster. I knew I had to climb up somewhere. So, I decided to climb up a tree. The boy looked startled at first but to my surprise, he jumped up and grabbed my shorts. I tried to hold onto the bark of the tree. But it only assisted the bigger boy in pulling down my shorts with my panties. It startled me so much that I fell on top of him. Before, I could take a clear breathe the boy pinned me down. I couldn't believe he won. I just wanted to pull up my shorts but he had my arms pinned.

My friends came over to us.

"Let go of me!" I screamed, trying to squirm. The boy pulled back a bit and stared somewhere down my torso.

"You really are a girl." He said sounding sort of surprised and my face went white. He saw my pee pee, I thought with a startled gasp.

"The worm thing is going to grow down there soon!" I said, pushing him away and nonchalantly pulling up my shorts, trying hard not to show my discomfort and agitation over what had just happened.

"The..worm..." He said slowly, looking confused at first and then started laughing loudly.

"That won't grow on girls. Besides, you are not a plant are you?" He asked finally, looking clearly amused. I fumed as he chuckled. I don't even understand why he should ask me a stupid question like that. He is retarded obviously.

"I am a boy and I hate you!" I screamed.

"Heh..but I like you, loser. You are a funny girl." He said.

"Don't call me a girl and I am not a loser!" I said angry as I grabbed a fistful of soil from where I was sitting and threw it at his face. Some of the sand must have entered his eyes from the way he was squinting. I was too angry to care. My friends went over to him. Betrayers!

I ran away fuming, my eyes heavy with tears. How dare he call me a loser girl! I thought tears falling from my eyes from the humiliation and from being defeated. I hate losing and I hate being called a girl. Girls are weak and stupid and stay at home playing with dolls. Boys are strong and smart and play outside all the time. Why can't I be a boy without having a worm down there?

Ever since I realized the rule that boys have worms down there, I've been very upset. I don't want to be like mum when I grow up. All she does is cook, wash, clean the house and do whatever dad asks her to do immediately. My dad is a lawyer who fights for women. A lot of the time, women with injuries would come to visit dad and cry their heart out. I learned those women got abused by their husbands and fathers. Basically the ones who abused them were men.

My dad told me, it's because men are stronger than women that women get abused so easily. I don't want to be weak and easily abused. I don't want to cook and wash and take orders from someone else. I don't want to be a girl. I am a boy. My father also agrees. He had wanted a boy as his eldest child and given me a boy's name. I will not disappoint my father. I don't care what Levi-something or others say. With or without the worm I am a better boy than all the boys I know. The only one I hadn't been able to defeat is him! I will take him down someday and make him cry.


AN: Please vote and or comment if you liked this chapter :). Pic of little Ell on top.

To my long term fans: I am returning to writing quite obviously. My health remains somewhat stable even if full recovery is not possible at this point in time. So I thought I would do something I enjoy meanwhile, as I figure things out and try to keep things like my health out of my mind as much as possible for now. As the title says this story is about a boy girl love. But it explores acceptance, understanding and self discovery. I hope you love Levi and Ell the way you loved my previous characters. 

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