Chapter eighteen: Spark From The Heart

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A dark figure walked out from behind a few bushes. And was holding a gun aimed and ready for Dante. Dante gave out a ground shaking roar.

Star looked at the sky and then the moon. She could remember this stupid verse that angel would say before bed.

"I got it!"


When star stood up the figure raised its hand and a circle of fire was around them.


Dante looked behind him then look at the figure. As it stepped more out of the darkness it was sirena.

"Star whatever your idea is do it please!"

"Okay there is a saying angel would say every night as a kid I wrote it down. But I still remember it."

"Then say it!"

Star leaned angel up and layed her head down on her knees. Her body was facing up.

"By the light of the blue moon show me your powers and grant a free wish show me the power that's in my heart. SHOW ANGEL THE WAY TO HER HEART AND HER TRUE POWERS!"

Stars eyes flowed the same color as the moon. Dana could see that the moon light that was going through the trees was moving. And as it rose onto angels heart her chest lifted up fast. Star eyes changed to normal and the light was glowing around angel. Lifting her upper body up off stars knees. And inside angels subconscious.



"You have to let your power out. And learn to control it. It's not hard my little one. Let your heart guide you. Now my little angel wake up. Wake up!"

Angel opened her eyes. Her eyes were mixed blue on the top and brown on the bottom.


As she sat up she started to breath really fast.

"Are you okay?"

"My head. It hurts what happened?"


Dana pointed to Dante.

"Oh no."

"Yeah he told us to run but yeah as you can see fire circle thanks to sirena."

"Well I think I should be helping anyway."

"What do you mean?"

"Star, Dana I saw my dad."


"No way! What did he say to you? Did he wake you up?"

"Yeah and he told me to open my heart to make other self. That I should let it come out."

"How are you going to do that?"


Angel got up on her feet. Then look at the moon.

"I think it's time to see what I am capable of!"

"Okay well do your thing."

Angel smiled and put her hand at the moon. Then her eyes changed into a wolf look.

"By the light of the moon. I open my heart to my true side!"

As her eyes started to glow. She lifted off the ground by two inches. The moon light that was on her glowed brighter. Then these blue flames started to come from the light.

As it swirled around her. Her body glowed then her clothing. Angel closed her eyes. She opened her eyes fast and they glowed. Then she fell to the ground landing on one foot and knee. She stood up and put her hands out to the side. Flames went around her hands. Then she smiled. She took her right hand and went to her left foot. As she slide her hand up her leg. The flames went around her foot and her leg. Then she did the same to her right side with her left hand. Then she did her arms. She put her hands to the middle of her chest the pushed she chest out and threw her hands outward  and flames went around her chest. Then she she move her hands around her waist like she was ready to spin and hula hoop. Then she bent down into a ball. Looking beautiful in dark purple flames. She threw her body out and the flames griped onto her body. Angel stomped her feet on the ground. Her shoes changed to knee high wedges. Jeans changed to shorts on one side and short short on the other. Then she punched her right hand out first then her left. Flames turned into fingerless glove up to the elbow. Then she pulled the flames on her upper body ask if to fix a jacket and the flames turned into a short mid top and a biker jacket. Then she wiped her head and hair around in a circle. Angel opened her eyes and her hair flew up and flames went around changing some of the color. To her brown into blue. Then flames swirled into her eyes. Changing her eyes into icy blue wolf eyes.

Heart Of An Enchanted Wolf Angel HybridWhere stories live. Discover now