Chapter Eight: The Adventure Beings In Vegas.

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Birds started chirping. And the sun rose high in the sky. Shinning through curtains. Sweetly waking up three young teenage girls. who were ready to go on the biggest and crazies adventure of their lives. And it all was going to start in Vegas.

Dana was first to open her eyes and wake up everyone.  She tapped star's shoulder and she got up next. They tried to wake angel. But they just waited til she woke up on her own. But that was going to take awhile.  When she did finally get up they where already downstairs in the main hall waiting for her eating the free breakfast. 

"So i guess you guys can't wait for me huh."

"Well we did but yeah. We got hungry."

"I know i am just messing with you guys. So i am also guessing after breakfast we are going to go and try and find him."

"Yeah we have narrowed it down to a few place that he may or may not be in."

"Well as long as we don't have to search the whole city. Then i am totally okay with that."

"Okay so we can do that then we will go when i am done eating cause yeah i am hungry too."

Angel went and got herself some food. Then say down with them and eat her food. When she was done they went back upstairs and got better dressed and their bags ready. Dana on the other hand she was caring weapons.

"Uuuh why do we need to bring those?"

"Um angel have you seen what is out there you don't know what's out there so yeah. I am being prepared. So yeah i hope that we don't run into anything tonight or while we are here in Vegas.  I mean my mom told me that there are places in this world where they are so badly filled that they hide as humans to trick us hunters. But it doesn't always work. They usually just finally give up, and finally show themselves."

They looked at dana with a straight face and total silence.

"Ooookay then."

"Well we should get going so we can find him fast. The sooner we find him the sooner we ALL can go home and be like we where before the whole attack on the school."

"Yeah it would be nice to hang out with you guys again. I kind of miss it and when dad did that i was really pissed off."

"Yeah and when star told me dante was done done i felt like a part of me left with him. I mean he saved my life and i didn't get to thank him this time. And i really want to i want to hug him so badly and say thanks for saving me."

"Yeah and get this dante was actually pretty mad when our dad told him he couldn't hang with you guys. That he wasn't allowed to see you. That why he walked out of the house in the first place but dad took his memories anyway. Mmmmm i.... i really hope that we find him. I miss him so much not just because he is my brother. But because he is everything to me."

"Yeah i totally get it. Well lets get a move on okay. The sooner the better."

As she looked at Dana. Dana looked right back at her. Then gave her a hug. It may have mot been the right time but it was called for.

"Uuh you guys i know we all miss him but i think looking for him right now is the best option we got right now. So sorry to break up the hug and all but lets go find him before we lose him again."

"Yeah star is right. Instead of just standing saying we miss him won't help us find him any faster."

As she let go of dana. Angel grabbed her backpack and stood by the door. Star and Dana followed after and they left the room in search of dante.  Angel looked at her phone and at his picture.

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