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"You're here! Oh my god!"

"Are you here? Kate?"

"Babe you look so beautiful."

He is coming closer and closer. His voice echos in the hall, his scent fills my body that it takes me to another world.

"I miss you." Those three words that i always admit meaningfully.

He responds to my words with a hug, a tight one that i can barely move.

Then our bodies relax a little and i close my eyes.

"Kate! Kate what's wrong! Zayn help she's out of control!"

He suddenly disappeared. "You were mine! You left!" This is my voice. It seems so loud. But I'm just talking to no-one, nothing.

It's just me in the wide space around me.

"It's getting worse Zayn, oh my god."

"Stop fucking screaming, Carolina! I'm trying to calm her."

"Calm down, I'm here."

He is back.


I was just all alone.

"Stop babe." He rubs my back gently and kisses my forehead.

I'm relaxed, and as he notices this I'm gently pulled to his arms.

"She stopped." Carolina's tone is now lower, with amazement clear in her statement. "How does this happen?"

"I don't know. I just hug her then she stops as if nothing had happened." Zayn rests his body against the wall, his muscles relaxing a little.

"God! She doesn't even remember what she'd done when we tell her."

"Screaming as if she is all alone, crying as if someone she loves passed away, then suddenly she's sound asleep."

"Zayn, we won't be able to handle this all alone, we have to make her see a doctor."

"Yes, yes."


I wake up in the middle of the night, or the day, i don't know. Time isn't always clear for me.

My throat is so dry that i can't even say a word. My feet take me to the fridge and i pour some water in a glass.

What is that?

Why do i feel pained?

A pounding headache and a severe pain in my eyes, my throat is dry as well.

The last thing i remember was watching television with Zayn and Carolina. What happened!

The spot lights in the kitchen reflect the silhouette of a person that I don't recognize until he talks.

"Are you okay?" Zayn worriedly asks after sitting beside me on the table. Concern obvious in his eyes.

"No, there's something weird. There's unbearable pain in many parts of my body. What happened?"

"Fuck! You don't remember this time also?" His eyebrows are raised and he hits his thighs.

Remember? These two always tell me about a strange behaviour that i usually do, which basically i remember absolutely nothing about.

"Zayn did really anything happen? I don't remember a slight memory." My words are accompanied with many coughs, i can't bear this.

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