Chapter 9: Awoken Captive

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Disclaimer Notice! I do not own the francise – Katekyo Hitman Reborn. What I do own though, was this crazy plot twist of the canon story that my twisted mind formulated plus the additional character I inserted to give color to this story.

Author's Note! Okay, this time....It might seemed a bit more confusing. But well, when did it ever became clear? XD The "fu fu fu" guy has been toying with us (yes, sadly I've been a captive too) for so long I think it's time to unmasked him! Maybe not now, but soon....soon~ I'm so excited on writing the "secrets" and "answers" to the mysteries that cloud those previous chapters! I just hoped it wasn't too confusing!


A Katekyo Hitman Reborn Fan Fiction

Chapter Nine

Awoken Captive

My eyes snapped opened and I was brought back to the world they called as "reality".

My eyes weren't as clear as I remembered my vision to be, it's still in the process of adjusting to the sudden brightness. Why was it so damn bright?! I felt like the sun was just in front of me, it's rays of light directed directly to me. I tried to block it with my hand, but was stopped when I couldn't feel my arm. Damn! It felt numb.

Suddenly, I found a pair of sparkling blue eyes hovering above me. Those eyes, where had I seen them before? I felt my head throbbed. There it is again! Attempting to split my head! Go away! I screamed and screamed, forcing myself to get rid of the pain. It seems pointless, but still it gives me something to place my concentration on.

All of a sudden, I heard a voice. I tried to focus my vision to clear up the blurred image and of course to know why the heck there was a pair of floating eyes hovering above me! It was illogical, right? For a pair of eyes to move without being attached to something important like...perhaps a head! But, being as dazed as any sane person could get, I had forgotten the exact definition of reality.

"Tsuna are you okay?"

I slowly ease myself into a sitting position. My head is still attempting to split my head, but I can't just lay down and wait for it disappear. Not now, when I just felt a presence beside me. I stared at the figure that sat on my right. I blinked. Oh, good thing it has a body...No matter how silly it may had sounded, those were my first thoughts.

"W-where..." Even with my head hurting by every move I tried to make, I still insists on sitting properly. I used both of my arms to help me sit but a pair of hands grabbed my shoulder and forced me to lie again. "Y-you need to rest..." his voice sounded concern. I looked at my right, and saw the figure who had spoken, the same person who owns those sparkling blue eyes.

His hair was a shade of brown.

Brown hair...

Blue eyes...

His name was...

"Yasu..." I heard my own voice spoke up. It sounded rasp, like I hadn't used it for ages. The person – Yasu, as I remembered it – smiled. "Glad you still remember me..." Now, his voice sounded melancholy. Why was he so upset? What had I done wrong?

I felt guilt spread through me. Why? Why do I felt guilty? Instead of receiving an answer, more questions followed suit. Why am I here? Where am I? What just happened? Why can't I remember anything? Why does my head hurt?

Suddenly, Yasu's smirk grew wider. "Junko! Junko! Tsuna's back from the dead!" Dead? Did I....died?

A man standing inches from me...

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