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As i laid on the roof of the second story house where I lived with my parents i couldn't help and think about how i got here and where did my life start going so fucking south i could see penguins, I started to once more chug the vodka bottle i had brought up with me.

I guess I should like introduce myself, I think that's how journals work, well name's Keeren Marina Gomez Santos but I go by Nena it means little girl or baby girl its been my nickname since I was born , im a 23 year old chick and a closeted pansexual to my family do to their extreme religiousness, im obsessed with bands, books, tv shows and YouTubers and for all these reasons and more I lay on the roof drinking myself blind.


"Hey mom, what was i like as a baby?" I asked her. "Oh you were a handful since even before you were born I remember how a day before you were born you moved so much it was painful and when we went to the doctors office the next day you had to be born with an emergency c-section. The doctor later told you of all the complications that were involved since you were choking yourself with the umbilical cord and in the rush of the surgery you were cut that's how you have your birth scar on your butt". She told me sounding kinda annoyed with me.

"Yeah I know that you always reminded me that but like what was my first word or when did I start crawling or something like that?" I replied a little aggravated.

"Well I don't actually remember, I know you didn't crawl but other than that I have no idea." She sounded so disinterested in the subject so I wondered if it was just talking about the past or if it was that way because we were talking about me so I said "and what about Angel?" Oh he was a precious little boy he never did anything wrong, was so well behaved and never cried. He was the type of little boy to never scribble on anything he would just carefully flip the pages and stare at them since he couldn't read. You though were the exact opposite, you were as awful as kids get i remember that when you were three i had a phycological pregnancy and cried so much and got so angry with your dad because we had agreed to no more babies after you. I mean you were always getting in trouble that we were embarrassed to have to pick you up at preschool, they actually sent you at 3 to a phycologist since the whole chair thrown at the pregnant teacher incident."

"Right, I hate that you always bring this up, like it was probably false since that teacher also said I bent a metal spoon, I mean she probably had something against me." I was so dun (lol) with this conversation, mean I know I was far from a good kid but I mean she openly admits to being embarrassed by me and I was fucking 3 years old, oh but all she saw from her 'Angelito' was perfect but I knew him and all the bad things he has done.

{End of flashback}

I took another swing from my bottle and decided to head downstairs and sleep for a little bit before having to wake
up. As I walk into my room I see its 4:30 am, great I have about 3 to 4 hours of sleep if im lucky. Oh well the alcohol was worth it and im only tipsy so I did good.

staʏ ʄʀօstʏ, sաɛɛtɦɛaʀts! <3 :-*
Song inspiration - welcome to my life by Simple plan
Please let me know your opinions!
Word count is 645

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