-13.The Things We Learn

Start from the beginning

Zac's way of using the girls against Zo worked. I thought she'd see through that threat of moving them away, but she chose to believe it. I'd only keep her from them a day max maybe 2 if she's still rebellious. I mean they are her children & she has some rights to them. Half the rights she had before we found out they were ours. We have the other half to raise them.

She just needs some good training & she'd be perfect. Just like all women, So just needs direction. She needs someone to help her embrace her new life with us. Just like V did with Clai & found love. Now she can't imagine her life without him. She understands if he gives her any pain, he still loves her.

I know that Zoe need to be humbled too. She needs to be pulled down & built up slowly. Will has his own method to try on her. I think with all of us, she will yield to what we want.

I learned a couple of breaking techniques with the chic Trina we had in Zo's place. I can't wait to try them.

I'm still trying to figure out why, out of all the women that have past through us & that I've slept with, why I can't get Zoe out of my mind. Part of it, I know, is all the time we spent watching her. Another thing is how long I fake dated her. I know Zo, she wants romance. If I use the L word on her, I'm one step closer.

Another thing I've learned from life is-

You never only just abuse a woman. They're worth more then just to abuse & hate on. After breaking them in the beginning, you can bring pain & pleasure.

If you treat a woman with love & kindness, she's yours. Next you treat her like crap with moments of kindness & she gets us to the crap. She starts to believe that's how it's suppose to be. In the end, if you spank her & bruise her a little, she almost thinks of it as a sign of affection, because she knows the kindness is coming next. That I'll take care of her because at the moment, she's only mine.

**Abby's POV**

Matty convinced me to go to the police after our wedding. He sees that I've been stressed out about the whole issues with Zo. I mean I don't think I could live happily ever after, knowing Zo was stuck with the guys being hurt & forced to do things she didn't want to do.

How could the guys possibly expect me to just forget about Zo & live a normal happy life. How could they just want me to move on like nothing happened & like I don't know what they do to women. I can't stop thinking about it. If fills my dreams most nights...or maybe they do expect me to do something & it's just a trap to take me again. I don't know.

I can't believe this is all really happening again. We were doing so well getting our lives back on track. I miss the little babies already. I miss spending every day with Zo & them. I hope they don't hurt them. I know Zo will protect them with her life. Maybe they'll go easier on her, if they find out the babies are theirs.

I still don't know if I can trust the police 
Matty has tried to convinced me that not all police are bad. I know that's true. The only problem is that I don't know which ones are shady & which ones aren't.

He told me they're probably just trying to use scare tactics on me. Maybe he's right. I just hope my actions don't get him killed, or worse. Meaning all of us hurt or killed.

I'm going to take the risk & go to the police now. I'm tired of waiting & what's the point. Go now or go later. I think Zo would go now if it were reversed.

I have a battle going on in my head. One side saying "she will be ok & just be happy I'm free". The other side is saying "how can you even think about enjoying your life until you know your friend Zoe is safe & happy again. She's like your sister. You can't just leave her to fate"

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