Chapter 22- Birthday!

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"Yah! Do you know what today is?" Eunwoo woke you up from your fluffy sheets underneath you.

"Nope, go to sleep idiot." You waved your hand away, trying not to make it obvious that you know it's his birthday.

"Idiot? Your the idiot because your supposed to shower me in love !" He waved his arms in the air making an expression that this day was very important.

"I don't know what your talking about. I don't want to give you love either since you woke me up!" You pulled the sheets over your head hoping he would go away so you could do your epic surprise.

"Hell no. GET UP LAZY BU-" You angrily pull the sheets and knocked him over to the bed, knocking yourself over with him. It ended up as you on top of him with your arms on either side of him.

"Now shower me with love!" He pouted cutely hoping you'd make a move. That's when you made an evil plan. You let your arms let go of its position, leaving all your weight on him.

"Ah! Your like an elephant!" He screeched, pretending that he could breath. He tried to make his performance more believable by pretending to gasp for air. You rolled your eyes annoyed and angry.

"Now I'm definitely not gonna shower you in kisses! You just called your girlfriend fat, jerk!" You rolled beside him and crossed your arm while facing your back to his face.

"Aish! Sorry! Now let's do something special!" You felt him hug your side, which caused you to smile cheekily.

"Nooooo! Let me sleep!" You hit his arm and tried to pull the covers over you but he grabbed them just in time.

"Nope your coming with me missy! We're in the Bahamas after all." He carried you bridal style, out your hotel room and into the elevator.

"HEY EUNWOO! I DIDNT BRUSH MY HAIR OR CLEAN UP! IM A MORNING MESS! PUT ME DOWN!" You flailed around in his arms but he held you steadily.

"Then why do you still look so pretty?" He started swooshing you around and you struggled to wrap your arms around his neck.

"AH!" He pretends to drop you and you screech like your life depends on it. He catches you right away, leaving you breathless and mortified.

"JERK! STOP IT!" You shake in his arms, like a scared kitten.

"Gotcha. That's what you get for forgetting something very important to me." He pouts his bottom lip and presses down his brows.

"And what is that?" You crossed your arms in his arms while raising one of your brows up.

"You know what? I'm gonna keep playing this game with you." He smirked, thinking he was all smart.

"Well since your carrying me, I want to go to the breakfast buffet." You smile since this was all according to plan for your surprise.

"Ok, if your that hungry you pig." He laughs to himself while your raging with anger.


"Let's sit at table 12!" He finally puts you down after carrying around everywhere.

"Your so weird Y/N." He giggles a little and takes your hand so you can lead him to table 12.

"Hey Y/N! Hey Eunwoo!" Moonbin stands up to wave to you guys as you walk to the table.

Eunwoo's eyes shot wide open in shock, from seeing his best friend standing in front of him.

"Did you think we forgot your birthday?!" Sanha comes out from behind him, giving Eunwoo a big smile.

"Hey, the fruit taste really nice here!" Rocky holds up his plate to show us the variety of fruits at the buffet.

"It's been so long since I've seen you guys! How are you here?!" Eunwoo exclaims hugging each one of them.

"Well your girlfriend flew us out here." Moonbin pointed to you, and excitedly hugged his friend back.

"You?!" Eunwoo looked back to you and you just shrugged your shoulders.

"I don't know. It's your birthday? " You still pretended to act confused about the whole situation.

"Ugh pabo. You're so weird." He came to you, giving you a tight embrace and sent butterflies to your stomach.

"Heh hope you like it!" You hugged him back, slightly blushing since you guys were hugging in front of everybody.

All of you guys just spent the whole day hanging out with each other like old times. You had a beach day with everyone and had lots of fun. Eunwoo and you were overall happy with the whole birthday surprise. It left you happy to see him happy with all of them.


"Here I wanna take you somewhere!" You grabbed Eunwoo's arm from the bonfire and gave everyone a wink. You had one more surprise up your sleeve.

"Fine!" Eunwoo smiled, gladly taking your hand back.

You looked behind you guys one last time to see everyone giving a big thumbs up. You smiled back at them, hoping this surprise would be good. You just planned this surprised last minute too. You guys walked what seemed forever. It was nice to walk across the beach though.

"Ugh when are we gonna get there?!" You grumbled impatiently.

"It's a nice walk though because I'm here with you..." Eunwoo said softly causing your stomach to feel like it's gonna explode.

"Hey I see it!" You ignore what he said and pointed at the little fortress with fairy lights all around.

"Wow! Did you make this?" Eunwoo says while laying down on the sheet on the cold of sand. You sat down right next to him and intertwined your fingers with his.

"No, Moonbin, Sanha, and Rocky made it. But I guess I'm the one who designed it, so I'll give myself the credit!" He laughed along with you, watching the waves crash on the sea water. You dug your toes in the sand in nervousness as Eunwoo pulled you closer by hugging your waist.

"Thank you, this has been the best birthday thanks to you..." He snuggles against you neck. You finally look at him to see him smile with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Wait! I almost forgot!" You gently get his head and arm off of you and go to the back of the tent.

"Happy birthday to you..." you sang softly while bringing a little cake with a lit candle. Eunwoo smiled brighter hoping the night wouldn't end.

As you finished the song he blew out the candle leaving the fairy lights to only light up the fort. He grabbed the cake out of your hands and placed it on a little table on the side. He grabbed ahold of you, holding tightly to your waist. He then placed butterfly kisses on your cheeks and forehead. Then finally placing a special kiss on your lips...

Happy birthday Eunwoo! I'm honestly proud of you and your accomplishments! I hope you and Astro keep on thriving to be successful like always. Well you turned older but you'll always be aroha's face genius :')

Behind the Screen (Eunwoo x Reader)✔️ [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now