Chapter 20- Finally

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In the morning Y/N's POV:

"Aish my head hurts again!" Eunwoo whined, when I woke up quickly.

"Aish, you need to stop drinking since you can't control your alcohol! You weigh like 3 ton bricks." I slap his arm.

"I don't think that's how you to talk to your boss! Anyways I'm gonna get ready, I have a meeting today." He took off his shirt as he was walking inside the bathroom.

"Pervert!" I covered my eyes.

"What?" He stares at me blankly. "Oh sorry I thought you were a guy!" He laughed as he closed the door in the bathroom.

"That idiot!" I crossed my arms and pouted. All of a sudden the thought of yesterday popped into my head. I smiled to myself as I hugged the pillow beside me. "Maybe he's not a jerk..." I muttered happily.

"Anyways your fired Ms Kim." He crosses his arms shirtless, smirking at my jaw drop instantly.

I stood there in shook wondering what was the sudden action. Because of last night? Did he remember?

"Mr Wood is back, I got a text today." He held out his phone to my face so I could take a better look.

"Are you serious?! After what you said yesterday?! I hope drunk Eunwoo will forgive me for this but I missed you too!" I yelled in anger from him leaving me so easily after all the nights we've been through.

"What did drunk Eunwoo tell you?" He pinned me to the wall while shooting a hot glare directly into me.

"He said you remembered! You remembered me and that you want to be together! I honestly want the same..." I could feel hot liquid fill my eyes, making my vision go blurry.

"What happens if I want you for the wrong reasons." He lick his lips hungrily, coming in closer to my ear to the point where I can feel his warm breath on my ear.

"You don't. I can tell from last night. You were genuine, so don't lie to me." I hugged him trying to feel his warmth once again.

"Stop it," He pushes me back into the wall and slammed my back against it, "I push you easily for a reason. Let me spell it out for you. I don't care for you. The only one who's lying is you because you're lying to yourself if you think I actually want to be with you." He looks at with me pain in his eyes as he watched a tear roll down my cheek.

"Lair! I don't believe you!" I yelled back at him not ready to accept everything he says.

"Well you have to!" He looks more in pain with me arguing back.





He collapsed onto me. "Please..! I'm begging you..!" He clung onto me with his head buried into my shoulder.

"I don't believe you! I want you Eunwoo! I need you! I can't lie to myself like this!" I brush the back of his hair with my fingers.

"I'm sorry... I cant handle it anymore... I need you too." His lip instantly crashed onto mine. We perfectly follow each other's lips like how we used to kissed a long time ago. The kiss lasted like a big ice cream that take a million licks to finish. It was sweet and just right. When we finally broke apart we were both breathless. Both panting, we both collapsed on the bed.

"Don't ever leave me again." I panted while smiling like an idiot.

"I promise I'll make this work, because I want to be with you." He cuddled next to me and I cuddled up to his chest.

"You better." I pulled the blanket over the both of us and we just slept the whole entire way through.

Once again both the spark and tingles lit again. We both could feel it and it reminded us of when we were dating. All the pieces are finally fitting...

I've been soooooo sick for the past week. Sorry for not updating! (I was probably barfing in some bucket lol)

Behind the Screen (Eunwoo x Reader)✔️ [Editing]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt