Chapter 16- I'm Sorry

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Eunwoo's POV:

I wake up from a ring of my doorbell. "Hmm?" I yawned as I realized I was sleeping on the couch.

"Eunwoo, open up dear. It's your grandmother." My grandma said through the door.

"Coming." I slowly get up and rubbing my eyes.

As I open up the door I can see the furious look in her eyes.

"So you've been hiding a girl?" She invited herself in and sat on the couch.

"Yes, and Jisu told you I supposed?" I sleepily come to the couch across from her.

"Yes, so who is this girl you chose instead of Jisu?" She crosses her legs, giving me a long stare.

"Just a friend. Nothing more." I slouch back on the couch.

"Hm is that so? It's not Y/N is it?" She says Y/N's name as if it's trash.

"I'm sorry grandmother to disappoint you, but it's not. It's just a friend." I say expressionless.

"Are you sure Eunwoo? I can never tell when your lying, it was easier to tell if you were lying before." She raises one of her eyebrows.

"I'm not. Would I ever lie to you grandmother?" I rub my eyes sleepily.

"Hm ok I guess I can trust you. Anyways that's all I'm here for, bye Eunwoo. Make lots of deals." She gets up and shakes my hand before leaving.

Y/N's POV:

"How does that lady know my name?! And why am I hiding behind a door?" The door squeaks as I bite my nails wondering.

"I'm gonna make breakfast." I hear Eunwoo coming closer to my hiding spot.

"Unless you want to do something more fun?" He pushes the door, exposing me.

"N-No thank you!" I squeak, covering myself while blushing.

"Hahaha whatever! The look on your face betrays what you said, naughty girl." He pinches my cheek and sticks his tongue out with a wink, playfully. With reflexes, my body tells me to hit his arm. So I did.

"I think your the naughty one here." I say as I roll my eyes. "I'm sorry Eunwoo but do you do this with all your female employees you first meet?"

"Hm? Ask my ex-girlfriends that question." He smirks going into the kitchen.

"E-Ex-girlfriends?" I mumble thinking I was the only girlfriend he ever had.

I rush to the kitchen after him.

"Say do you have extra clothes." I smell the clothes I wore, feeling uncomfortable because I only wore these tight clothes for the interview.

"Hm I don't think I have girl clothes though. Let me check, can you watch the omelette for me?" He flips in over to the other side.

"Yea sure! Thanks!" I take over the pan.

As he leaves I realized the omelette was super plain and that there was only one. "Eh this guy has no taste." I mutter in disgust. I put the plain omelette in a plate and started whipping up a new one. "I'll let him have this one since he's doing so much for me." I smile at the delicious looking omelette.

"Um I guess this would work. Woah it smells so good!" He looks at the other omelette I made.

"Well you made your other one kinda plain so I'm giving you this one." I hold out the plate.

"Thanks! Here's your clothes!" He passes me the clothes.

I go to the restroom and put on the clothes. He gave me a white T-shirt with distressed boyfriend jeans. The jeans looked way to small on him and a little big for me but I fixed it up with a belt. "Wow he's got style." I smiled at the outfit in the mirror.

"So how do I look?" I came out making a pose.

"Eh good I guess." He shrugged on the couch with Wags in his lap.

"Are you joking? Anyways I haven't introduced myself yet." I came over to the couch smiling.

"Can I tell you something first?" He looked down at his feet.

"Sure go ahead." I asked smiling.

"Please get out of my house." He changed his attitude.

"Excuse me?!" I got up in shock.

"I'm sorry I'll say it nicer. Please leave my house if you don't mind." He said coldly.

"I do mind actually." I out smarted him.

"Well I don't care if you mind please just get out of my house. Don't forget your stuff too, I never want to see your face around here again." He pointed the the door.

"W-What? But I need to introduce myself first, and thank you." I said sadly.

"You've already thanked me enough and I have no interest in who you are. Please just get out of my house, I don't want a random employee to be telling the other employees that they slept in my house." He got up and walked to his room.

"IM KIM Y/N YOU JERK!" I screamed kinda mad and sad.

"I'm sorry but I don't know who that is." he turned the door knob and walked in.

I stomp out of the house in anger. "How bipolar! Just a second ago he was nice, now he's just a jerk! I miss the old him!" I scream to the train station.

Eunwoo's POV:

I slide down my door. "I'm sorry Y/N... I wish I could tell you I'm trying to protect you... but I need to show you and everyone else I've changed to trick my grandma..."

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