You turn away and leave him as the other celebs start to flow in, taking seats all around the brightly lit runway.


The dance music blasts and the bass booms and the floor vibrates a bit.  You stand behind in the wings with the other fashion designers and show the models out on the runway.  You finish adjusting a girl's emerald green dress robes and you smile at her.

"Knock 'em dead!" you smile and she gives you a thumbs up, stepping out into the limelight, the photographer's cameras flashing brightly.  She strides confidently down to the end and strikes a powerful pose, turning back to you and stringing back just as beautifully.  You give her a high five and she goes to wait for her next cue.  

As the fashion show draws to a close, you walk out with the other designers and take a bow with all of the models.  The audience claps and the lights flash like diamonds and the music blares.  The crowd goes crazy and you can't help but smile in relief.

"We love you, y/n!" a girl in the back yells.  "Wooo!"

The music dies down and the lights dim.  The crowd erupts with small talk and the people start to clear out.  You sigh and yawn as you step down from the runway.  

"Another successful expo," you smile to yourself.  You walk around, mingling with your fellow designers and some other celebrities.

"Thank you for coming," you say, shaking the hand of Kingsley Shacklebolt.  

"My pleasure.  Being minister, it is difficult to have some fun and there is no better way to spend a free evening than going to an event full of familiar faces," Kingsley grins, waving a polite goodbye.  You smile at him and whirl around, nearly bumping into Draco Malfoy.  

"Y/n," he smirks.

"Oh.  You," you sigh.  "What do you want now, Malfoy?"

"I was thinking about what you said"

"Oh, really?  You can think?" you sneer.

"Yeah.  I can.  What you said really got to me.  It's true.  All of what you said is absolutely true," he sighs.  "I want you to teach me."

"Teach you what?" you say, crossing your arms firmly.

"How to be a better person.  What do you say?  the only reason why we're not on good terms is that you say I got everything handed to me.  There's no way to change the past now, but you can help me for the future.  What do you say?  Can you teach me to be a better man and not be so 'glutinous' and disgusting?" he asks, holding his arms out at his sides.  "Please?  Take a chance on me?"

"Fine, Draco. I'll help you, but that doesn't mean I'll be nice to you!" you say with a short nod.

"I can handle that," Draco sighs.  "I grew up with my father, after all."


Wrapping yourself up in your fuzzy bathrobe, you sit down in your kitchen with a warm mug of gently steaming tea.  Pulling over the latest copy of witch weekly, you sigh warmly as you stare at the picture on the cover along with bright blue text that reads:

Draco Malfoy and Y/n Y/l/n to wed!  

Pictures from the proposal inside!

The picture of you on the cover of the is standing on the stage of the music awards Draco was attending.  He had been nominated to win "Artist of the Year" and you were, of course, coming with him as his date, seeing as you had been together for two years at this point.  When the host called his name, telling him that he won the award, he went up and started to cry, holding his hand over his mouth.  Once he got up on the stage, the spotlights all on him, he stammered and shook as the host handed him the golden award.  Staring out at the audience, he gushed all about how he couldn't have done it without his girlfriend and that you're his angel and pride and joy.  He babbled about how driven and beautiful you are and he raved about your amazing personality.  Tears flowing and almost saying a jumble of incoherent words, he had called you up to the stage to accept the award with him.  You had hesitated but eventually got up on the stage as the crowd started to cheer for you.  Standing infront of the entire audience, he set his award on the ground and then lowered himself to one knee and kissed your hands.  Smiling warmly with his familiar icy grey eyes, he said the words: "Will you marry me?"

Now the rest is history.   The version of you in the picture gasps and cries silently with joy and the photo of Draco slips the ring on your finger.  They both hun and jump up and down, elated.  

"Good morning, love," a voice says from behind you.  You feel a pair of arms wrap around you and Draco comes in and kisses you deeply on the cheek.  You blush and smile broadly, pulling out a chair for him to sit in.  

"Looking at that again?" he asks with a grin.

"Of course, Draco.  I can't believe it. We're engaged," you sigh, lifting up your left hand, staring at the glimmering band of silver.  "It's a dream come true."

He takes your hand firmly in his, feeling the warms of his hand tenderly wrap around yours.  Resting his forehead on yours from the side, he whispers in your ear slowly, "I love you, y/n y/l/n.  Thank you for taking a chance on me.  I would be nowhere without you."


A/N:  Hi everyone!  This chapter was 1,585 words long!  Sorry for the irregular updates and thank you for so many reads!  We're at 99.9k reads!  Wow!  I don't know what to say!  Lately, I've been unsatisfied with my chapters.  I haven't been proud of my work for some time and the last one I was really truly proud of was Love for the Music Lover.  I just haven't felt like they're any good.  I've sort of lost my inspiration and my ideas.  I'm really sorry.  I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will be back with more very soon!  I promise!  Thank you so much for reading!  

Requests are open so please send those in!  Arrangement Pt. 3 coming soon!

- Soiea

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