Chapter 17

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“What?! Why didn’t you ever tell me?” I ask. “Didn’t you ever wonder why I never looked older?”  Terra asks. “I just thought you aged well.” I say.  “Wow Amber, really?” Terra says laughing. “What? I was young what did you expect me to think?” I say laughing. “Wow I wish my mom was a vampire.” Cyndy says laughing. “This is one seriously messed up, crazy life we have.” Brandy says laughing too. Just then the doorbell rang. “I’ll get it!” Ben says jumping up. A few seconds later Ben walks in with some guy. “Tyler!!!!” Cyndy screams jumping on the guy. “Nice to see you too sis.” Tyler says. “I wasn’t expecting you to be here till later.” Cyndy says smiling. “Yea well I left a little earlier than you expected.” Tyler answers. “Well yay!!!” Cyndy says excitedly. “Everyone this is Tyler my older brother.” Cyndy says. “Nice to meet yall.” Tyler says waving to us. “Tyler this is my fiancé Michael.” Cyndy says pointing to Michael. “You been treating my sister good?” Tyler asks. “Of course!” Michael says smiling. “Oh my gosh I’m so happy you’re here!” Cyndy says excitedly. “I have some news for you too.” She adds. “Besides the fact that you’re getting married and waited till now to tell me?” Tyler asks. “Oh I’m sorry it just happened a few days ago!” Cyndy says. “Well fine I’ll accept that answer so what do you have to tell me?” Tyler says. “I’m pregnant!” Cyndy says. “You’re what?” Tyler says. “Seriously Tyler I know you heard what I said.” Cyndy says laughing. “Oh I heard you! What the hell Cyndy! Why did you wait to tell me?” Tyler says a little angry. “I just found out myself a few days ago…..” Cyndy says looking down.”Jesus Cyndy you make it so hard to be angry with you.” Tyler says hugging her. “I knew you couldn’t stay mad.” Cyndy says smiling. “Is anyone else hungry?” I ask as my stomach growls. “YES!!” everyone answers together. “Mom do you want to help me in the kitchen?” I ask. “Sure sweetie.” Terra says as we both head to the kitchen. “Jesus mom I can’t believe you never told me that.” I say grabbing the eggs and bacon out the fridge. “Well I didn’t want it to affect your life so I just kept it a secret. I never thought you’d end up getting married and living with a bunch of vampires yourself.” She says laughing. “Haha yea my life has gotten pretty weird here lately.” I say laughing. “Gosh mom I’m so happy you’re here to walk me, I’m so glad you said yes.” I say hugging her. “Oh sweetie I’m glad I said yes too.” She says hugging me back. About ten minutes later we have breakfast all done. “Guys come get it!” I yell. Everyone comes storming into the kitchen like a pack of wild animals. Never mess with a bunch of hungry vampires. I think mentally laughing. “So the wedding is tomorrow then?” Tyler asks after everyone had eaten. “Yupp, tomorrow afternoon.” Michael says. “I’ve never been so excited for something in my whole life!” Cynthia says excitedly. “I think everyone feels the same way.” Ben says smiling at Brandy. “I know I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with the love of my life.” Brandy says smiling back at Ben. “I feel the same way about Aaron, I feel like I’ve waited forever for this day to come.” I say kissing Aaron.  “Why don’t we go do some last minute shopping?” I ask the girls. “Definitely!” Cyndy says as we all grab our purses.

                “So should we go to the bridal store or what?” I say driving into town. “Hmm why don’t we see what we can find at the bridal shop?” Cynthia says. “I’m okay with that.” Brandy says and Cyndy nods in agreement. Once at the store we again all split up, it seems like we don’t ever shop together. I decide I’d like to get some fancy lingerie for mine and Aarons honeymoon, which he still has yet to tell me where we’re going. I settle on a few lacy black ones and one pink lacy one. I had to look good for that night. I think smiling to myself. I head to the counter and pay for my things and wait for the rest of the girls. Cyndy was next to make it to the counter; she had the same idea as me, because she had a few lacy lingerie items.  She paid for them and stood with me to wait for Brandy and Cynthia. Brandy came next she had a new bathing suit and a couple accessories for her hair. Cynthia finally got done and she paid for a lacy night gown and a beautiful pin for her hair. “Why don’t we go to Starbucks next? I’m not ready to head home and deal with all the people.” I say laughing. “Me either, I’m with you, Starbucks for sure.” Cyndy says. We make our way across town to the only Starbucks and go inside to order. Once we order we take a seat at a booth in the back, we all liked our privacy. “I’m so nervous about tomorrow.” Cynthia says. “I think we all are. Tomorrow is a really big day.” Brandy says. “I swear I’m gonna cry.” I say laughing. “No you can’t cry! That will make me cry.” Cyndy says.  “I can’t help it, I always cry at weddings and we’re having four!” I say. “I still say this is the best idea ever.” Brandy says laughing. “Agreed.” Cynthia says laughing too. After Starbucks we head to the hair salon to have our hair dyed and styled for the wedding. “I would like to have my hair re-dyed black and have pink highlights put in please.” I ask the lady at the counter. “Alright take a seat here and I’ll get started.” She says seating me. While I was having my hair done so were Cyndy, Brandy, and Cynthia. After I was finished I waited for the others. Cyndy got her hair dyed black as well and had purple highlights put in, Cynthia got extensions done her hair was now down to the small of her back, Brandy also had extensions her hair reached the middle of her back and she had gold highlights put in to match her dress. “Oh my god I love your guy’s hair!” I say excitedly. “Thanks!” they all reply together. There was an awkward silence there for a second then we all burst out into laughter. “We’re seriously the weirdest people ever!” Cynthia says laughing still. “Yea we definitely are!” Cyndy says still laughing. “We better head back I just got a text from Aaron saying they needed us.” I say walking back to the car. The message had said to try to hurry so that’s just what I did.

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