Chapter 3

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I woke up in the nurses office. I could'nt remember how id gotten there. Just then the nurse walked in with Michael, and everything came flooding back. The dream, the woods, and the insident in Mr.P's room. "Feeling better hun'?" Nurse Jacklyn asked. I looked at Michael but he just looked away. "Yes, Im fine, I did'nt eat this morning and that mixed with not alot of sleep must have caught up to me." I replied. "Well here's some water and crackers take it slow for a few hours alright?" she asked. "Alright i'll do that" I said. "It's 11:45, Michael why don't you help Amber to lunch?" she asked looking at Michael. He shook his head yes. Michael helped me up and guided me out the door. I had him stop at a bench halfway there. "Who are you?" I asked him. "My name really is Michael Vampire" he replied. "You were in my dream last night, how?" I asked. "I can't tell you that yet" He said. "This is all way too weird for me" I said. I got up and started walking towards the cafeteria, I had to talk to Cyndy. Michael began to follow me. "Stop" I said. He looked at me kind of sad and glanced down. "Why?" he whispered. "I need time alone to think. Meet me in an hour at the library to talk, you have alot to explain to me" I replied. "Alright, an hour!" he said with a smile on his face. I had to find cyndy. I ran through the cafeteria doors and saw her sitting at our usual table. "CYNDY!!!" I screamed. She just looked at me funny. "Cyndy oh my god! I have so much to tell you!" "Start from the beginning" she laughed. So I told her about the dream and the man in the woods, how I met Michael and realized he was the guy, and how i liked him and that I had agreed to meet him later. When I finished she had a stunned look on her face. "Wow.... sounds like alot happened this morning" she laughed. "This is'nt funny Cyndy, what am i going to do??? This is so weird. The guy I dreamt about just appears for real and im pretty sure theres something important I don't know about him" I practically screamed. "Alright heres what you do... go meet him. See what he has to say about it all, if you still like him then ask him out, if not tell him to stay the heck away." she answered. "Okay I can do that, this is so nuts though" I laughed. "Well your not exactly the most normal girl ever" she laughed back. We finished our lunch and headed out. "I'll meet you in about 2 hours to take you home" she said as she walked towards the gym. "I'll text you when im done with Michael." I yelled at her. She just smiled at me. I turned back around and headed towards the library. I never would have guessed what I was going to hear next.

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