Chapter 14

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-4 weeks later-

I was seriously beginning to show now. I am now 10 weeks along and today was the big day to find out what my little buddle of joy was. Not very much had happened these past 4 weeks. Ben and Brandy were an official item as well as Cynthia and DJ. Michael and Cyndy were doing great as well as me and Aaron. I haven't seen Michael and Cyndy happier. We were on giant happy vampire family. Yes vampire, all of us finally. We hadn't had anymore problems since that whole Catherine insident. The news played it off as some freak ride accident or something. No one got charged and Cyndy didn't get into any trouble thank god. I was sitting on the couch waiting for Michael and Aaron to get home, I was so ready to find out what I was having. Cyndy walks downstairs and sits next to me. "Are you nervous?" she asks. "A little, I think i'm more anxious. What if there might be something wrong with the baby?" I say. "I'm sure everything is fine." she sayss smiling. "Well I hope....." I began just as my stomach did a backflop. I jump up and run to the bathroom. The only thing I hate about being pregnant is getting sick like this all day everyday. "Are you okay?" Cyndy says running up behind me. "Yea, it's nothing new." I say trying to smile. "I'm awfully hungry now though." I add laughing. "Well lets go get you something then." she says laughing too. We head to the kitchen and I pour myself a huge glass of blood, it seemed like that was all the baby wanted now. I had myself 2 more glasses before I was full. I put my glass in the sink as Michael and Aaron walk in. "It's about time you guyss get here!" I say trying to sound angry. "Were gonna be late!" I add. "Calm down babe we had a few errands to run." Aaron says kissing me. "Mmmhmm.... lets go please." I say grabbing my purse. "Your coming right?" I ask Cyndy. "Of course! I wouldn't miss this." she says smiling.

About 30 minutes later we arrive at the hospitol. Of course we were 10 minutes late so we had to wait in the waiting room. I was getting so nervous just sitting there. "Cyndy i'm scared." I whisper. "You'll do great I promise, I have a good feeling about this." she says smiling. Just then the doctor walks in. "Ms. Jackson?" he says. "That's me, call me Amber please." I say standing up. "Can you follow me please?" he says smiling. "Can they come with me?" I ask looking at my support group. "Of course they can." he says. We follow him into a little blue room with one of those reclining doctor chairs and the ultrasound machine. "Lay down and relax." the doctor says. I lay down and reach for Cyndy and Aarons hands. "Ready to see what's in that oven of yours?" he asks smiling. I shake my head yes, I was too nervous to talk. He squirts some cold gel on my stomach and turns on the machine. "Alright, lets find us a baby." he says moving the thing around.. "There's a heartbeat." he says. I look at Aaron and smile. "Wait...." the doctor says. "What's wrong?" I ask scared. "Nothing's wrong but there's two heartbeats, your having twins. Looks like a girl and a boy. Congradulations Amber." he says. I freeze, I was so shocked. "Twins?" Aaron asks suprised. "Yes two." the doctor says laughing. "Oh my god! Your having twins! This is so exciting!" Cyndy says practically jumping up and down. I start crying. "What"s wrong?" Michael asks with a concerned look. "Nothing, i'm just so happy." I say smiling.

We get back to Michaels and Cynthia, Brandy, Ben, and DJ are all there waiting. "So? What is it?!?" Cynthia asks jumping up. "Twins!" I say smiling. "What?!" Brandy says jumping up to. "Yupp, a boy and a girl." Aaron says looking happier than ever. "Wow this is more exciting than just one baby!" Brandy says laughing. "Your telling me." I say laughing to. "So what are you gonna name them?" Ben asks. "Well we're naming the girl Star and the boy Michael." I say smiling. "As in me Michael?" Michael asks. "Yes as in you silly." I say laughing. "Wow that means alot." he says hugging me and Aaron. "Anything for you man." Aaron says. "You two girls go get ready, we have big dates planned for you." Michael says to me and Cyndy. "Aww how sweet." we says simutaniously. "Well go!" Aaron says laughing. "What do we wear?" Cyndy asks. "Something fancy." Michael says. We rush upstairs and start looking through our closets. "How about this?" Cyndy says holding up the black dress she wore to the bar the first night out with Michael and Aaron. "Yes! I love it!" I say smiling. "But what should I wear? My dress wont fit over my belly." I say frowning. "I thought you might say that so I had Aaron buy you this earlier." she says holding up a flowing red dress. "Oh Cyndy your the best, it's beautiful!" I say smiling. "Try it on!" she says handing it to me. I put it on and spin. It looked like the dress was a flow of blood. "I love it, it's perfect!" I say smiling. "I'm glad you like it, now let's go get our boys." she says smiling. "After you." I say opening the door.

We walk into a beautiful Italian restaurant and Michael takes Cyndy one way, and Aaron takes me the other. "For the privacy." he says seeing the confused look on my face. "How romantic." I say smiling. We take our seats and a waiter comes over. "What can I get you to drink?" he asks, his nametag said his name was Steve. "I'll take a glass and bottle of red wine." Aaron says. "And for you?" Steve asks me. "Water is fine thank you." I say smiling. "This is so romantic!" I say to Aaron. "I'm glad you like it, but it gets better." he says kissing me. "How could it get better?" I ask amazed. "You'll see." he says smiling. "You know I hate suprises" I say laughing. "Not this one you wont." he says smiling again. "Are you ready to order?" the waiter aks returning with our drinks. "Yes, i'll have a really rare steak." Aaron says. "And i'll have the same." I say smiling. "Alright, it'll be a few minutes." he says taking our menus. "Can I have my suprise now?" I ask Aaron smiling. "Hmmm well I guess there's no better time than now." he says reaching into his pocket. He pulls out a little black box and kneels beside me. My eyes go wide. "Amber I love you with all my heart, and I never want to live without you. I want to make us an official family. Will you marry me?" he says opening the box, inside was the most gorgeous engagement ring i'd ever seen. "Yes, yes, yes!" I say as a tear slips down my face. "You just made me the happiest man alive." he says kissing me.

-Cyndys POV-

Michael pulls me in the oppisite direction as Amber and Aaron. "Where are we going?" I ask. "We need privacy and so do they." he says winking. God I loved this man. We take our seats as a rather petite girl walks up. Her name appears to be Rachel. "Can I get you something to drink?" she asks. "Jack Danials for me." Michael says smiling at her, she starts blushing. "Umm i'll have a pepsi please." I say smiling to. "Alright i'll bring those right out." she says handing us menus. "This is such a great date." I say to Michael. "It will get better." he says winking. "Oh geez another of your suprises?" I say laughing. "You know it babe!" he says smiling. "Well I to have a suprise for you." I say sming evily. "Oh? and what might that be?" he says. "You'll see." I says laughing. "That's evil." he says laughing to. A few minutes later the waitress returned. "You guys ready to order?" she asks. "Yupp i'll have a steak." Michael says. "And for you?" she askss looking at me. "I'll have chicken please." I say. "Of course!" Michael says. "I'll bring those right out." she says taking our menus. "So you ready for your suprise?" Michael asks. "DUH!!!" I say excited. "Well...." he says pulling out a little white box. He stands up and kneels infront of me. "Holy Crap!" I think. "Cyndy, my beautiful dark queen, I love you like nothing else, I want us to be together forever. Will you marry me?" he asks. "Holy shit yes!" I say jumping at him. "Wow I didn't expect that!" he says laughing. "So what's my suprise?" he adds. I sit back down and get serious. This was it, time to tell him. "Well...... i'm pregnant." I say smiling

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