Chapter 16

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After our date we headed back to the house. "I can't wait to tell Brandy, Cyndy, and Cynthia!" I say excitedly. "I bet." Aaron says laughing. "Lets start a movie while we wait for them." I suggest. I put in The Nightmare Before Christmas and snuggle up to Aaron. A few minutes later Michael and Cyndy get home. "Oh my god Cyndy I have the greatest news to tell you!" I say jumping up. "Me too!" Cyndy says excitedly. "You first!" I say laughing. "No you!" she says laughing too. "Okay..... Aaron proposed to me!" I say showing her my ring. "No way! Michael proposed to me too!" she says excitedly showing me her ring. "This is so exciting!" I say. "What is?" Brandy asks walking in with Ben. "Michael and Aaron proposed to us!" Cyndy says as we both show her our rings. "Holy shit! Ben did to me too!" Brandy says smiling. "This just got even more exciting!" I say practically jumping up and down. "Guys I have the best news ever to tell you!" Cynthia says walking through the door. "Let me guess DJ proposed to you?" Cyndy says laughing. "How did you know?" Cynthia asks confused. "The guys proposed to all of us." Brandy says laughing. "Well shoot I was so excited I thought it was just me but this is way better!" Cynthia says smiling. "Did you guys plan this?" I ask. "Maybe." Aaron says laughing. "Now why would we tell you guys that?" Michael says laughing too. "So that's a yes." Cyndy says laughing as well. "Do you guys know what i'm thinking?" I say. "Quadrouple wedding!" we all say together. "Best idea ever!" Brandy sayss. "When should we have the wedding?" Cynthia asks. "Hmmm...soon!" I say. "How about next week?" Cyndy says. "Definately!" Cynthia says excitedly. "Next week? Don't you think that's a little too soon?" DJ asks. "Absolutely not! Don't you guys want to marry us?" Brandy asks. "Of course!" they all answer. "Well shut up then." Brandy says with a smug look on her face.

I woke up early as crap. I was so excited, we had tons of wedding plans to make. First was dress shopping then finding a place to have the wedding. I make my way to the kitchen, I was starving. As I start breakfast Cyndy and Brandy walk downstairs. "Whatcha making?" Cyndy asks. "A little of everything. Eggs, bacon, sausage and toast." I say smiling. "Mmm sounds amazing." Brandy says practically drooling. "Well take a seat it will be done soon." I say smiling. A couple minutes later Cynthia joins us. "Your just in time breakfast is ready." I say putting the food on the table. Cyndy immediately starts pigging out. "Geez your eating like me and im the prego one!" I say laughing. "Oh that's right I didn't tell you guys." Cyndy says. "Tell us what?" Brandy asks. "Well i've been so caught up with the engagements I forgot to tell you guys i'm 5 weeks pregnant." Cyndy says smiling. "OMG that's amazing!" Cynthia says smiling. "What the hell? Is this pregnant thing in the water?" Brandy says laughing. "Now there's gonna be 3 babies running around here." I say laughing. "Oh great." Brandy mumbles. After breakfast we all decide to go dress shopping. We enter the store and all split up. I immediately head towards the red dresses. I finally find one that will fits over my belly and head off to find the girls. I finally find them over by the dressing rooms. "Did you guys find dresses?" I ask them. "Yes, I found this gorgeous black and white one." Cyndy says. Her dress wass black with white lace trim and a white belt, the dress reached her feet. "That's so pretty!" I say. "I found this dark purple dress!" Cynthia says. Her dress was dark purple with black straps and had black lace underneath. "That's beautiful!" Cyndy says. "Mine is black and gold!" Brandy says showing us her dress. Her dress was gold with black sequences all along the bottom of the dress, it was in a wavy design. "Oh my gosh I love it!" Cynthia says. "What about you Amber?" Cyndy asks. "Well don't laugh it has alot on it." I say pulling out my dress. It was blood red with black glitter all over and neon pink roses along the waist, it flowed to my feet and had a trail behind it. "That's beautiful!" Cyndy says. "Aaron will love it!" Cynthia says smiling. "Lets pay for our dresses and then hide them from the guys." Brandy says laughing. We pay for the dresses and leave. We decide to hide the dresses at my old apartment since I still had it.

Once we get home we start discussing all the other plans. "I think we should have the wedding here at the house, there's a big enough yard." Cyndy says. "Definately!" Brandy agrees. "Okay now that we've settled that, we have to figure out who we will have walk us." I say. "I've already figured out who I want, my brother Tyler." Cyndy says. "Me too, I want my brother Cory." Brandy says. "And I want Gabe, he's like my brother." Cynthia says. "Well I don't have an older brother so i'lll have my mom." I say. "We better call and get them here." Cyndy says. "I already called mine, he said he'd be here." Brandy says. "I'll call Gabe right now." Cynthia says walking away. "And i'll call Tyler." Cyndy says walking out to. "Well I guess that leaves me to call my mom." I say laughing as I dial her number. "Hello Amber." she says. "Hey mom I have a huge favor to ask." I say. "What is it?" she says. "Well i'm getting married next week will you walk me down the isle?" I ask. "Of course! I'll fly out tonight and be there tomorrow." she answers. "Thanks mom see you then, love you." I say. "I love you too." she says hanging up. "Well my mom will be here tomorrow." I say. "So will Tyler." Cyndy says walking back in. "Gabe's flying out tonight so he'll be here in a few days." Cynthia says. "Well then that's settled, everything is all planned." I say sitting down and relaxing. The next few days were gonna be stressful.

I woke up the next day to someone knocking on the door. I glance over Aaron and see its 6am. Who the hell would be here this early? I slowly walk downstairs and open the door. "Mom!" I yell excitedly. "Nice to see you too sweetie. Nice of you to tell me your pregnant." she says looking at my stomach. "I wanted it to suprise you!" I say smiling. "Well i'm suprised alright." she says laughing. "Come on i'm gonna wake everyone up to meet you." I say leading her to the living room. Ten minutes later I had everyone there on the couch. "Guys this is my mom, Terra." I say. "Mom this is Aaron my fiance, Michael, Cyndy, Brandy, Ben, DJ, and Cynthia." I add pointing to each person. "Nice to finally meet you all." Terra says smiling. Michael and Aaron glance at each other, it was so quick I was unsure if I even saw it at all. "Michael can I talk to you for a minute?" Aaron asks. "Yea." Michael replys as they walk to the kitchen. "Should we tell Amber?" Aaron asks. "I'm not sure. How do you grow up and notice or question that?" Michael says. "Maybe she just never cared enough to ask." Aaron says. I was standing by the kitchen listening to their conversation. What were they talking about? What was mom hiding from me? I needed answers now! Michael and Aaron walk back out just as I moved away. They quickly glance at me, I knew they were hiding something. "What aren't you guys telling me?" I ask. Aaron looks at Michael and he nods. "Well Terra why don't you tell your daughter that." Aaron says. "Tell her what?" Terra answers. "I think you know." Michael says. "Someone just freakin tell me already!" I practically scream. "Fine.... Amber i'm a vampire like you and your family here." Terra answers.

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