Chapter 5

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30 minutes later we arrived at my house. "Okay, dish!" Cyndy said. "You might want to sit down." I laughed. "So, I walked in the library and found this trashy girl talking to Michael, I got extremely jealous, not sure why. He tells her goodbye and I sit down and he tells me yea it was him who was stalking me outside my house!" I start. "So what about the dream?" she asks. "Okay this is the crazy part, he's a vampire!" I say. "Stop kidding, Amber." she replies. "I'm serious Cyndy, he turned me too, I'm only allowed to tell you so you can't tell anyone else." I say as I show her the bite on my neck. "Holy shit Amber! What have you gotten yourself into?" she says hysterically. "I don't know! But I really think I might like him and to top it off he's the lead singer in a band called Vampires Everywhere!" I say. "Shut the heck up! I love them!! You couldn't have told me that first?!?! I imagined him being a vampire but I didn't think they were real." she says. "Well they are and i'm one." I say laughing. "Wow this is crazy!" she says laughing to. "Then I ran out the library looking for you and run into some Aaron guy, god he was cute. I think I may like him to but i'm dating Michael now." I say. "Wow Amber your life is seriously crazy!" she laughs. "Oh and we have to meet Michael and the band at the park at 8 and your driving." I say laughing too. "Okay." she giggles. We spent the day trying to figure out what to wear. Cyndy was determined to wear her VE shirt again but she changes into cut off jean shorts. I rummanged and found a cute BVB tank top and a cute denim skirt. We finished at 7:30 and headed out the door. When we pulled up I immediately spotted Michael at the skate park. "Michael this is Cyndy my best friend." I say proudly. "Nice to meet you Cyndy." Michael says shaking her hand. I glanced over at her and she was blushing. I giggled "Your one of her favorite bands." I say to Michael. "It's always a pleasure to meet a die-hard fan." he says laughing. "I absolutely love you guys!" she tells him. Just then 2 guys walk over. "This is DJ and Aaron." Micheal says pointing to each of them. I immediately look at Cyndy and she looks suprised. "Can you excuse us for a moment?" I ask. "Sure?" Michael says confussed. I pull Cyndy over to the swings. "Cyndy thats Aaron! Thats the cute guy I ran into earlier!" I tell her. "Wow that puts a new meaning behind the saying it's a small world." she laughs. "That's not funny." I say laughing to. We walked back over to the guys. "What was that about?" DJ asks. "Oh nothing" I answer quickly. "It's nice to meet you guys." Cyndy says. "Michael said your a big fan." Aaron replies. "Have been since you released the Lost in the Shadows EP." Cyndy says smiling. "Do either of you skate?" DJ asks. "No sorry that would be our friend Cynthia but she isn't in town right now." I say. Michael and DJ head over to the ramps with Cyndy and im left alone with Aaron. "Didn't I meet you earlier?" Aaron asks. I look down and blush. "Yea you did." I reply. "How do you know Michael?" he asks. "We're kinda dating as of earlier. He's been stalking me." I say with a laugh. "Oh...." he mummbles. "What?" I ask. "I was hoping you were single all day, I really like you." he replied. "Ohh..... I like you too" I mummble. "Really??" he says smiling. "Yea but I like Michael to, and I'm going to be faithful to him now that we're together." I say. "Oh. Okay." he says sadly. "Would you like to go for a walk?" he adds. "Sure should we tell the guys?" I answer. "No they wont even notice we're gone." he says with a laugh. "Where did Aaron and Amber go?" Michael asks. "I saw them go for a walk, she must be trying to get info on you." Cyndy says laughing. "Oh, haha well he'll tell her anything she asks." he laughs back. "So Amber told me your a vampire, are you all one?" she asks him. "Yea, have been for years now." he replies. "Wow thats awesome! I could have guessed you were one but not Aaron and DJ." she says. "We try not to be too obvious." Michael laughs. "How about I show you how to skate." he adds. "Sure!" Cyndy replies blushing. Aaron and I were walking in the woods nearby. "God i'm so hungry!" I moan. "Would you like to get something to eat?" Aaron asks. "Did Michael tell you he turned me?" I say. "No! Wow he must really like you, he never just turns anyone. So I take it your not hungry for real food?" he laughs. "Haha no." I say. "How about I show you how to hunt?" he says. We found a dark street and waited for someone to pass by. Soon a young girl walks by and Aaron motions for me to be quiet. He sneaks behind her and bites her neck. God he looked so good doing it. "Amber now you can come eat." he says. "but remember never leave them alive or they'll turn." he adds with blood dripping from his mouth. I sunk my teeth into her neck and the blood was like fire in my mouth, my taste buds exploded! I knew what blood tasted like but it was 100 times better now. We finished the girl and hid her body by an abandoned building. As we turned to leave I looked up at Aaron. "You have a little blood there." I say laughing as i whipe the blood off the side of his mouth with my finger. I lick the blood off my hand and look back at him. Aaron had this funny look on his face. "I will win you from Michael no matter how long it takes." he says as he leans down to kiss me.

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