Chapter 7

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"Excuse me bitch." I say to her. "Oh you again." she says rudely. "Mind backing off my boyfriend?" I say just as rudely. "I don't see your name on him." she says looking him up and down. "I said back the fuck up!" I scream pushing her. Michael and Aaron back away from us. "She's not going to kill her is she?" Michael asks Cyndy. "Na, just hurt her a little." she says laughing. "I knew I didn't like you the minute I saw you!" I scream as I punch her in the face. "Next time I say get off my man do it!" I say kicking her in the stomach. "Now get the hell out of here!" I say kicking her again. She finally gets up and spits some blood out. "Your fucking crazy!" she says backing away. "You haven't seen anything yet." I say as my eyes flash red. When she sees that she trips and runs back into the bar. "Wow Amber, what the hell was that?" Aaron says stunned. "What? I may have a little temper." I say with a laugh. "A little?" Michael says laughing.  "Why don't we go back to your house and watch movies?" Cyndy says looking at Michael. "Sounds like a much better plan after that." he says with a laugh. "Lets watch Silent Hill!" I say running to the stack of movies. "That movie's badass!" Aaron says smiling at me. "It's one of my favorites." I mummble looking down.  I put the movie in and press play. Michael motions for me to sit next to him. I cuddle up to him and look at Cyndy, she's staring at me and Michael. When she finally realizes i'm looking back she quickly looks away. I wonder if she's sad because she's not like the rest of us? I think. Aaron gets up and turns off the lights and sits on the other side of me.  It was starting to get harder to stay away from him when all I wanted to do was be with him. The movie starts and Michael leans down and kisses my forehead. How could I ever want to leave him? He was so sweet to me I obviously didn't deserve him. "I'm thirsty anyone want anything?" I ask. "I'd love a glass of blood babe if you don't mind." Michael says to me. "Anything for you." I say smiling. "Do you want anything Cyndy?" I ask her. "Popcorn!" she says laughing. "And you Aaron?" I ask. "I can get mine." he says sweetly. I head ito the kitchen and start popping Cyndys popcorn while I sip on my own glass of blood. Aaron sneaks up behind me and kisses my neck. "Aaron we can't do this, Michaels in the next room." I say pulling away. "He wont see us, he has Cyndy to keep him company." he says kissing me again. God I loved this man and yet i couldn't bring myself to leave Michael. I slowly reach up and kiss him more passionately. I'd never wanted anyone more than now. I bite down on his lip till it bleeds. "Ow..." he says. "I'm sorry, I got kinda carried away." I say looking down. "It's okay sweetheart." he says pulling my face up to his. "You never have to apologize to me." he adds. "We better get back before Michael wonders what we're doing." I say quickly. I grab Cyndys popcorn and Michaels blood and lead the way back into the livingroom. "What happened to your lip?" Michael asks Aaron. I freeze. Oh god what if he finds out? I think. Cyndy gives me a weird look and I just look down. I knew that wasn't a good idea. "Nothing, I just bit my lip." Aaron says laughing. "You know we do have blood in the fridge right?" Michael says laughing to. "I know this was just quicker." Aaron says with a laugh. An hour later the movie was over and Cyndy had passed out on the couch. "Michael would you carry her up to bed?" I ask him. "No problem." he says picking her up. I walk behind him and head into his room to undress. "You look beautiful in my shirt." Michael says coming into the room. "Thank you." I say blushing. He climbs into bed with me and we cuddle close. "Michael can I ask you something?" "Sure." he answers. "Why is Aaron single? He seems like such a great guy." I ask. "Well he was engaged a while back actually." he answers. "What?!? Wow what happened?" I say. Aaron hadn't mentioned that to me, i'd have to remember to talk to him later. "She didn't like the idea of having to turn, and you can't marry a vampire unless you do, so she left him. He was heartbroken for a long time, and hasn't dated anyone since then." he answers. "Wow poor guy'" I say sadly. "Is that all you wanted to ask." he says. "Well I do have one more question." I say cautiously. "Alright go for it." he says. "What do you think about turning Cyndy?"............

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