Chapter 8

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"Do you think that's what she wants?' Michael asks."I'm not sure, I mean I think she does." I answer. "Well ask her, find out for sure a nd if she does then yes i'll turn her for you." he says. "Oh thank you!. We can big a big messed up family!" I say excited. "Just remember she has to say she wants to or I wont do it." he says serious. "Okay, I'll talk to her later in the morning." I say yawning. "Lets get sleep babe, you know your tired." he says laughing. I roll over and get comfortable laying on Michaels chest. Before I fall asleep I think back to what Michael had said about Aaron. Why would anyone leave him? I know I wouldn't, if only I had met him first. I think before I fall asleep.

When I walk down to the kitchen Cyndy's already awake making breakfast. "Good morning." I say yawning. "Oh shit, you scared me!" she says jumping. "Haha i'm sorry, didn't mean to scare you." I say laughing. "I didn't expect anyone to be awake yet, you hungry?" she asks. "Aren't I always?" I say laughing again. "Most definately." she says laughing to. "So what are you making anyways?" I ask. "Bacon!" she yells laughing. "Of course." I say laughing with her. "Listen Cyndy I have to ask you something."  I say cautiously. "Um.. Okay?" she says. "Well how would you like for Michael to turn you?" I say. "Are you serious?!" she says excited. "Yes! I asked Michael last night and he agreed to do it for you if you really want it." I say smiling at her. "Yes, I want him to! I've been waiting for it since you turned." she says excitedly. "Lets go tell Michael!" I say grabbing her arm and pull her up the stairs. "Michael! Michael wake up!" I scream jumping on the bed. "Shit! What the hell time is it?" he says jumping up.  "Only 8 in the morning." I answer. "Only 8? That's way too damn early." Michael says rolling back over. "Michael I have news!" I say shaking him. "Well what is it?" he says confused. "Cyndy said yes, Michael!" I say excited. "Well that's great we can have a party or something later for her, but I need some more sleep if were doing this tonight." he says yawning. "Alright see you later." I say kissing him on the cheak.

Me and Cyndy head back downstairs. "Cyndy I have something else to tell you." I say sitting down at the table. "What?" she says. "Last night Michael told me that Aaron used to be engaged!" I say. "What?! He hasn't said anything though, what happened?" she answers. "She didn't want to be turned so she left him." I say sadly. "Wow that's crazy, why would anyone not  want to be turned? This is the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me." she says stunned. "I know! I feel so bad for him." I say. "I feel like I should talk to him, he seems to be opening up to me lately." I add. "Do it!" she says smiling. "I will!" We need to go shopping for tonight, you  have to look amazing!" I say jumping up. "Yes! We must!" she says grabbing her purse.

"Hmmm.. Hot Topic or Rue 21?" I ask her once we reach the mall. "Hot Topic!" we say laughing together. We walk into Hot Topic and just stare, there were so many things we didn't know where to start. "Oh my god look at this amazing Falling in Reverse shirt!" I say holding it up. "That looks awesome you must get it!" Cyndy says giving me a thumbs up. I kept looking and found the most beautiful Vampires Everywhere! necklace that had their battagram hanging from a black chain. I had to get it for Cyndy. "Can I get that necklace?" I ask the lady behind the counter. "Sure, your lucky this is the last one." she says smiling at me. I pay for it and my FIR shirt and wait for Cyndy. She comes running up to me. "Amber, look at this amazing shirt with Michael on it! she says excited. "You'll look amazing in it!" I say smiling. She pays for the shirt and we walk out. "Wanna get a coffee from Starbucks before we head home?" I ask. "Definately! I missed getting some this morning." she answers. After we get our coffees we head back to Michaels. "Where have you guys been?" Michael asks as we walk in. "Shopping!" we say laughing. "Well we have alot to plan for tonight." he says smiling at Cyndy. "Tonight you become part of the family." he adds. "Yes you do!" I say putting my bag down.

While Michael and Cyndy were out getting food for tonight I decide I will talk to Aaron. "Aaron are you awake yet?" I ask knocking on his bedroom door. He didn't answer so I open the door, he wasn't in there. "If you wanted to see in my room all you had to do was ask." he says leaning against the wall. "Gosh, you scared me, and I was actually looking for you." I answer. "I know, I heard." he says smiling. "Can I talk to you about something?" I ask. "Sure, what do you wanna talk about?" he asks. "Well Michael mentioned last night that you were engaged before, why didn't you tell me?" I ask looking hurt. "It's not exactly something I like to tell everyone." he says sadly. "I'm sorry Aaron that's horrible. I wouldn't have left you." I mummble. "Thanks that means alot from you." he says smiling. "Aaron i'm trying to work out my feelings between you and Michael but I don't know what to do yet. Just know I really do care about you." I say looking down. "I know Amber, I see it in your eyes everytime you look at me." he says. "And I want you to know your the first girl i've truely cared about since my breakup." he adds. "Aww thanks for making me feel special." I say smiling at him. "You are special." he says kissing me. After we break off the kiss I back away. "We better start setting up for tonight." I say walking towards the stairs.

"Wow Cyndy that shirt looks amazing on you!" I say when she walks out the bathroom. "Thank you! You look good too!" she says smiling. "I got you something earlier." I say pulling a box from behind my back. "What is it?" she says excited. "Open it!" I say handing her the box. "Oh my god it's beautiful! I love it!" she says putting the necklace on. "I''m glad you like it." I say smiling. "I just wanted to show you that your one of my best friends, and i'm glad we're gonna be a family together." I say. "Aww Amber, thank you, i'm glad we're going to be a family too." she says hugging me. "You guys ready to get started?" Michael says coming into the room. "Yes, i've been ready!" Cyndy says getting excited again. "Well I have one suprise before we do start." Michael says. "What!?" we both say jumping up and down. "Come into the living room." he says smiling and leading the way.

"Close your eyes." he says smiling. He leads us into the living room. "Alright open them." he says. "Oh my god Cynthia!!" Cyndy screams attacking her. "How did you get here?" I say confused. "Michael flew me here and filled me in on everything." she says smiling. "This day is absolutely perfect now!" Cyndy says excited. "Ready?" Michael asks her. "I'm ready." Cyndy answers. We all gather around Cyndy and Michael. "This may hurt just a little." Michael says as he bites down on her neck.

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