White Privilege Rant

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I just argued with this black girl who legit believes that white privilege doesn't exist. According to her, half of her family is black... So I guess her white side must be taking over.
She used the argument that- since I'm human, I know dogs are deaf... Wtf?
First of all, we know (all) dogs aren't deaf because (most) they respond to sound.
Second, that argument is weak asf. The two literally have no correlation.

It's like lighter skinned people denying colorism even though darker people are telling them it exists.
It's like lgbtq people telling straight people that homophobia and transphobia exists, but (us) straights denying it.
It's like Muslim people telling Christian that islamaphobia exists but Christians denying it.

How to explain to a fellow black girl that white privilege in the US exists? I know you can't say that all black people should have the same knowledge, but shouldn't this be something that she already knows?

She said there is no right or wrong in racial issues, but there is a right and wrong, and sometimes people are dead wrong.
In an arguement it sounds bad to say that someone is wrong and you're right, but sometimes it's true.

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