11 ~ Black Mercy

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Song: Let it All Go by Birdy

Warning: There will be multiple POV changes so make sure to pay attention

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Warning: There will be multiple POV changes so make sure to pay attention.

Skylar POV

Staying with Amelia, Jack, and Annie is pretty hectic. Amelia and Jake certainly have their hands full, but I'm glad I can help out while I'm there.

I have been here for around 2 weeks. It's nice not having to go to Catco everyday, but I do miss it.

Snapper sends me a couple small assignments for the Catco website while I'm gone. I enjoy doing that, it makes me feel like I am being productive.

Yesterday, my eyes turned a bright blue. Amelia noticed. I was sad at the time. I am pretty sure I'm developing a new power or something.

Right now, Amelia is dropping Annie at daycare for the day so we can hang out together.

I walk into Amelia's office to look for some paper. I notice some weird plant-like thing with goop. I walk over to it to see what it is.

"What the hell..." I gasp, clearly weirded out.

I hear a noise from the ceiling. I turn around to see a weird large insect hurdling towards me.

I scream in fright.

Then everything goes black.

Amelia's POV

"Skylar? Where are you?" I shout through the house.

I look in the guest bedroom, bathroom, and Annie's room. I can't seem to find her.

I turn towards the office, which is dark. I go in, looking around the room.

I gasp when I see Skylar passed out on the floor with a monster-like creature on top of her.

"Skylar?! Are you okay?" I try to yell to wake her up.

I notice her phone on the desk next to her.

I pick it up, pressing Kara's contact to call her.

No answer.

"Oh god..." I say to myself.

I don't see any other contacts I recognize. Except one.

Winn Schott.

I press the call button. Skylar would not like this.

"Skylar?" Winn answers in disbelief.

"Oh thank god, Winn! You picked up." A pinch of relief goes through my body.

"Amelia? What's wrong?" Winn nervously asks. I can hear two voices in the background.

"There is some kind of monster on Skylar! I don't know what to do!" I quickly speak.

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