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A/N: HELLO THERE :D. So today's chapter would be about Lydia's plan, a bit mainstream but who cares :D.


The Bad Boy's Soft Side

'Chapter 5

Adelaide's POV.

Lydia said she was gonna prove that Chace was Prince Charming. I burst out laughing. Really? Prince Charming was bad boy Chace, 2 words, simply impossible.

Lydia insisted that it was him. I keep refusing to do it. After loads of persuading, I finally gave in. "If he is not, I swear I'm gonna murder you with my bare hands" I threatened. "I don't think that will be necessary my dear" she smiled.

The plan was, Lydia booked a ballroom, fuck really? That's what rich people do anyway, and I'll be wearing the exact same thing with the makeup and stuff to the ballroom, and Chace will be there of course, well hopefully. Dude I did not just say that. Okay whatever. Justin is at his house persuading as well, apparently, they are friends, amazing right? Chace will be wearing the same thing to the ballroom too, and if we recognize, voila, found him. That will be a bit awkward.



I actually thought that Lydia would find a way better plan, but hey its still okay. To be honest, if its really him, wouldn't it be worse if a good girl dating a bad boy? Wait who said he will date me anyway. He's never seen with a girl. Hm.

Chace's POV.

"You're fucking kidding me Justin, it cant be her" I retorted.

"What makes you think so?" Justin winked.

Oh god, NO, it's not Adelaide!

"Even if its her, she won't date me after finding out I'm school's bad ass. I get suspended, detention, got a record. And look at me, I got a tattoo, stolen before. After all, she's a good girl" I replied. "Who knows?" he winked again. I give up, why must I wear that mask and bloody suit again, even though its to confirm that its Adelaide, and IF ITS NOT HER, WOULDN'T IT BE FUCKING WASTED, THIS IS SO UNCOMFORTABLE WHAT THE FUCK.

I have to admit, I love her perfect tanned legs. Going gaga over that. Am I stalking her? No.

Finally, I'll gave in. Took my phone and texted Jason. "Hey, I think the mystery girl is Adelaide" Jason replied within a few seconds.

"Hey you serious man?

"No I'm not serious" < Note the sarcasm I did there

" Okay whatever, but you serious bro?"


"Tell me the results later, btw I love her tanned legs ;-)"

I was too annoyed to reply back. Oh well.

Ade's POV.

We reached the ballroom first, wearing the same navy blue dress I wore on the masquerade. Loads of emotions filled my heart. This is it.

I put on the mask as I waited for Chace to arrive. As the door flipped open, I recognize a familiar suit that was on the masquerade.



Chace's POV.

I took a deep breath as Justin opened the ballroom doors.

The first thing that I saw was the girl that was at the masquerade. That beautiful lady I saw that night. That girl what stole my eyes, heart that night. Was Adelaide?

That's impossible.

"Adelaide? Please tell me its not her" I asked Justin.

"Oh its her" Justin grinned.

Kill me now, that gorgeous lady I've been falling for, all this time, that soft side-appearing is ALL THIS WHILE ADELAIDE?!?!?!? THE FUCK.

Chill Chace.

Lydia removed Adelaide's mask, fuck, its really her. At that moment, my heart started beating super fast. NO IT CANT BE, I'M FALLING IN LOVE? Falling for Adelaide Joy.

"No way right, its Chace?" Adelaide murmured.

" Its me" I replied, staring at her beauty.


I've been in love with her all this while...

I don't know what bring me to doing it but I grabbed her hand and I brought her to the centre and we started dancing.

"I'm dancing with the school's bad boy?" she said, blinking her eyes, not just once, but thrice.

Then, my soft side came out. I smiled " Yes you are"

I guess she never seen the badass of the school talking so calmly, so nicely. I don't do that everyday. Be glad Adelaide Joy.

I stared in her eyes, while she stared at mine, I've never fell deeply in love with a girl, what makes Ade so special?

I twirled her around and that's when my night was made, she kissed me on the lips. That's the first time a girl kissed me, and I enjoyed it. When we stopped. I see Lydia and Justin smiling. I saw that me and Ade's hands are interlocked, holding each other.

I hope this is not a dream, cause I'm so fucking happy.

Ade's POV.

I had the best night ever. I wouldn't call me and Chace a official couple but when we reached school, I smiled like a Cheshire cat. Chace came to me and pinched my cheeks, causing everyone to stare, I blushed. I was actually looking forward to the classes with Chace. I mean who isn't when you're in the same class as your soon to be boyfriend? I MUST THANK LYDIA SO MUCH.

A/N: Okay, I think this chapter is so sweet :'). Didn't manage to hit 1k words today D; Did you guys enjoy it? I need more suggestions pleaaaaaase.

cherriline x 

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