Chapter 12: Quidditch Pitch

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"Will you, now?" Mitch breathed softly. Anger burned in his eyes like smoldering, molten lava.

Vanessa nodded vigorously, backing into the sofa and moving around it. "Why –why this interest in our lives after all this time?," she questioned breathlessly. She’d been meaning to ask this of him since quite a while now. "Why this… this interest in our lives after almost six—" she choked on the word "— six damn years?"

"Oh so my fault was it? All those years ago?" Mitch mocked.

Vanessa bumped into the lamp table and scooted sideways around it. Irritation oozing out of her. How dare he! "You walked out on us! You walked out on us when I told you I was pregnant!" she bit out. Her voice broke on the word pregnant. The backs of her legs hit the chair, blocking any further retreat, and uncontrollable panic welled in Vanessa's throat. "You didn’t even look back! Not even once when you left me to fend for myself. A week later, you filed a divorce! Now you want me to come back to you because of some new self-found sense of regret? I was afraid to marry anyone all these years because I was scared. Scared about being hurt like that again! And now you’re here to create havoc in my life once—"

Mitch closed the distance and Vanessa put her hand out trying to fend him off. "Please stay away from me,” she let out in a broken whisper. "Please."

His hands gripped her shoulders pulling her against him with enough force to snap Vanessa’s head back. For the first time in such a long, long time she was close enough to see the expression in those smoldering chocolate brown eyes, and what she saw was not anger. It was incredulity—the emotion so intense and poignant in his eyes that she was immediately struck by it.

"I left you," he repeated in a strangely gruff voice. "And I suppose you thought six years ago, that I was capable of doing you that injustice? You thought me capable of walking out on you, on our life we’d built together?”

"Yes," Vanessa whispered. "And you did. You did l—leave."

"So I left. Just like that," he murmured in an emotionless, empty voice, and his hand trembled as he laid it against her cheek, slowly running it back to smooth her hair. His eyes were stiff and so… so deserted. He made a sound that was half growl, half venomous laugh as his fingers sank into her hair. "So I left and filed a divorce a week later because you were pregnant?" he repeated as if it were the greatest of musings. He stated it like an anchorman would narrate the day’s news bulletin and his other arm crushed her to him. In one abrupt second his mouth captured hers in a deep devouring kiss.

With an inner rollercoaster and bewilderment bursting like fireworks in her heart, Vanessa slid her hands up his hard chest, around his neck, and welcomed his tongue into her mouth. She arched herself against his rigid thighs, and shuddered with pleasure, his hands rushing over her shoulders and back, then lower, pulling her hips tighter to him.

He took his mouth from hers and brushed scorching kisses over her temple, her forehead, her eyes and her cheek. "I left you," he stated in a strangely calm tone. "And I walked out on our life." Vanessa just looked at him with a throbbing ache growing in her chest.

Mitch's mouth opened ravenously over hers, once again silencing her large intakes of breath and sending her spinning off into a world where nothing existed but the fiery demands of his hands and mouth and body. He kissed her again and again, until Vanessa was moaning and moving against him, her body racked with fierce, wild jolts of desire.

As soon as he’d pulled her in his whirlpool of passion, he tore his mouth away from hers, and bitterly gazed down into her glorious, sultry eyes. "Thanks," he murmured hotly and pushed her away from him.

Vanessa couldn’t help but stare dumbfounded, at her ex-husband who was looking at her with such indifference right after kissing her. She watched intently as he withdrew his spread out flattened hands from around her shoulders. With achingly slow but deliberate movements he reached them to his dress-shirt and started to button up his chest from view. Never once did he take his eyes away from hers while his fingers deftly continued moving over his hair- a tad disheveled.

The painfully long silence stretched in between them.

"Yes," he finally whispered, breaking the pin-drop quiet. “Yes I left. But one day, you’ll know why.” Already bending his head as if bidding her farewell he turned away from her. Vanessa didn’t know what to say to his statement. She just stared as he walked inside her bedroom and walked out again with his coat in his firm grip.

"One day you’ll know why," he repeated. Smiling with wistful regret, he proceeded. "One day you’ll know why and I’ll do nothing but feel sorry for you.” Vanessa's eyebrows drew together, appalled as she went through his words in her head, and Mitch smoothed his fingers over his shirt, his smile widening with frostiness. "Because then, you’d actually have no one but yourself to blame."

Four hours later, in bed Vanessa lay quietly contemplating on the string of events that had took place. Mitch’s words kept on coming back to her like a big bright newsflash after every interval of a movie. She shifted in her bed for the hundredth time hoping to find a way out of the mess she was in. But every time she tried to look she found herself back from where she started in the first place. Somehow she just wished there was a Portkey out of this maze in the blasted Quidditch Pitch she was stuck in.


Omg ive uploaded this after 10 whole days. Im so sorry guys -.- I'll be back home by Friday night, so hopefully my updates would be a tad bit more regular.-.


Remember if you like what i've written, Please please please PRETTTTTY PLEASE dont forget to vote/comment/share/addtolibrary and what not. Your feedback is the only encouragement i need to continue! <3 Love you guys!


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