13• Lulu Phone Home Part 1

Start from the beginning

North snaps his head to look where the two devious guardians hid," Luke! Get out here you little shit!"
I giggle and chirp out," Little shit!"

North chokes on his spit and jerks his back to look at me with wide eyes. Gabriel cackles as he leans on Luke while walking towards us. "She's worse than a fucking two year old!", he barely chokes out. Kota glares at them sternly," Did you two put her up to this?"

Luke grins while simultaneously grimacing as Gabriel uprights himself from his shoulder," I haven't the slightest clue what you're talking about."

I squirm around in North's arms looking for Owie. North grunts and tightens his hold on me, going as far as to cup my butt," Baby, sit still."
I shake my head and look for Owie. He moved!

Suddenly a stern voice comes from my other side," She's not a toy, boys."
"We know that.", Gabriel grumbles. I look to Owie to find him already staring at me. I point at Luke without looking and shout," Hostage situation!"

His lips twitch up just a little as the rest of the boys either snort or laugh.
"Is that right Miss Lullaby? Who might this hostage be?", his eloquent voice says evenly. I pout my lip," Macaron."

There were mock gasps from the group of men. Sean playfully gets onto them," You two should be ashamed of yourselves!"
Owie smirks," Indeed. An hour on Saturday."

Luke and Gabriel groaned along with the others. Nathan grumbles out," Thanks."

North brings me over to the table and sits down with me in his lap. I adjust myself until I am sitting on only one of his legs, mine dangle on either side. He keeps me steady with one hand on my lower tummy while he orders Nathan what to put on a plate for me. I pout and look up at him," I'm not hungry."

North gives me a scary glower," You're fucking eating. We just got you to eighty pounds. I refuse to let you lose progress."
I pout and slouch against his chest, one of my antennas have bent until it dangles in front of my eyes.

I'm a sad Martian.

North pops me on the thigh lightly and holds a spoon full of eggs to my mouth," Stop pouting."
This just makes me pout even more. I glare up at him," Lulu phone home."

His eye twitches," Will you stop saying that? It's annoying."

I huff while crossing my arms and turn my head away from him. " Lulu phone home.", I say snootily.

North growls, his head snapping to glare furiously at the smug Luke and amused Gabriel now sitting across the table," Look at what you've done!"
Luke cheerily rests his chin in his palms," Cute, ain't it?"

Gabriel grins at me, watching as I bob my head so the antennas boink up and down," Cutest little Martian ever."

I giggle as one of the balls pop me on the nose," Boink!"

They all smile at me in amusement. Victor, who's sitting beside Luke across the table, shakes his head at me," Having fun princess?"
I nod enthusiastically, giggling once again as an antenna ball bops me on the nose again. I giggle out," Boink."

Victor chuckles, his amber eyes an inferno as he watches me. North grunts and goes to take my antennas off my head. I squeak and grab them tightly, holding them back in place," Grumpy, no!"

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